"On the automorphism groups of rank-4 primitive coherent configurations"
arXiv:2110.13861 (Oct 2021, 51 pages)
Brief summary"Robustness of the Johnson schemes under fusion and extension" joint with László Babai (2021, in preparation)
Brief summary
"A characterization of Johnson and Hamming graphs and proof of Babai's conjecture"
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B, 151 (2021), pp. 339-374 [pdf] arXiv:1912.11427
Brief summary"On the spectral gap and the automorphism group of distance-regular graphs"
J. Comb. Theory, Ser B, 149 (2021), pp. 161-197 [pdf] arXiv:1912.10571
Brief summary"On the automorphism groups of distance-regular graphs and rank-4 primitive coherent configurations"
arXiv:1802.06959 (Feb 2018, 70 pages; This is an early version of what became two papers: #3, #11. Reorganization is motivated by results in #4)
"Exact nuclear norm, completion and decomposition for random overcomplete tensors via degree-4 SOS" joint with Aaron Potechin
arXiv:2011.09416 (Nov 2020, 135 pages)
Brief summary"Learning latent causal graphs via mixture oracles" Bohdan Kivva, Goutham Rajendran, Pradeep Ravikumar and Bryon Aragam
To appear at NeurIPS'21. arXiv:2106.15563 (Jun 2021, 37 pages)
Brief summary"Structure learning in polynomial time: Greedy algorithms, Bregman information, and exponential families" Goutham Rajendran, Bohdan Kivva, Ming Gao and Bryon Aragam.
To appear at NeurIPS'21. arXiv:2110.04719 (Oct 2021, 36 pages)
Brief summary"Improved upper bounds for the rigidity of Kronecker products"
In 46th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS'21), Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, volume 202, 2021. 68:1--68:18 [pdf] arXiv:2103.05631 (Mar 2021)
Brief summary"Matrix rigidity depends on the target field" joint with László Babai.
In 36th Computational Complexity Conf. (CCC’21). Schloss Dagstuhl–Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 200 (2021), pp. 41:1-41:26 [pdf]
Brief summary"Automaton groups and complete square complexes" joint with Ievgen Bondarenko
accepted to the journal "Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics", arXiv:1707.00215 (Jul 2017, 29 pages)
Brief summary