Bohdan Kivva

I am a PhD student in the joint Mathematics & Computer Science PhD program at University of Chicago (2016 - Present)

I am extremely lucky to be advised by Prof. László Babai and co-advised by Prof. Aaron Potechin. You can find a draft of my thesis here.

I am broadly interested in Theoretical computer science, Combinatorics and Learning Theory.

I have been doing research in essentially four different directions: symmetry vs regularity, tensor completion and decomposition problems, causal discovery, and matrix rigidity.

Below you can find the list of my publications in inverse chronological order. You can also see the publications organised by topic with a brief summary for each paper.

Remember Yuliia Zdanovska (2000-2022, Kharkiv) (text by László Babai)

Preprints and Publications

  1. "On the automorphism groups of rank-4 primitive coherent configurations"

  2. "Learning latent causal graphs via mixture oracles" Bohdan Kivva, Goutham Rajendran, Pradeep Ravikumar and Bryon Aragam

  3. "Structure learning in polynomial time: Greedy algorithms, Bregman information, and exponential families" Goutham Rajendran, Bohdan Kivva, Ming Gao and Bryon Aragam.

  4. "Improved upper bounds for the rigidity of Kronecker products"

  5. "Matrix rigidity depends on the target field" joint with László Babai.

  6. "Exact nuclear norm, completion and decomposition for random overcomplete tensors via degree-4 SOS" joint with Aaron Potechin

  7. "Robustness of the Johnson schemes under fusion and extension" joint with László Babai (2021)

  8. "A characterization of Johnson and Hamming graphs and proof of Babai's conjecture"

  9. "On the spectral gap and the automorphism group of distance-regular graphs"

  10. "On the automorphism groups of distance-regular graphs and rank-4 primitive coherent configurations"

  11. "Automaton groups and complete square complexes" joint with Ievgen Bondarenko

Conference and seminar talks

  1. ``46th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science'' (MFCS'21),

  2. 36th Computational Complexity Conference (CCC'21),

  3. The Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference (CanaDAM) 2021, "Coherent configurations with few fibers" minisymposium (invited speaker),

  4. The Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference (CanaDAM) 2019 conference, "Graph symmetry" minisymposium (invited speaker),

  5. "Symmetry breaking in discrete structures" BIRS workshop (invited speaker),

  6. "Symmetry vs Regularity" conference (invited speaker),

  7. Combinatorics and Theoretical Computer Science seminar,


  • Instructor in Math 15200 "Calculus II", Fall 2021

  • Instructor in Math 15200 "Calculus II", Fall 2020

  • Instructor in Math 15300 "Calculus III", Winter 2020

  • Instructor in Math 15200 "Calculus II", Fall 2019

  • Instructor in Math 13300 "Elem Functions and Calculus III", Spring 2019

  • Instructor in Math 13200 "Elem Functions and Calculus II", Winter 2019

  • Instructor in Math 13100 "Elem Functions and Calculus I", Fall 2018

  • TA in Math 16300 "Honours Calculus III", Spring 2018 (taught by Prof. Fefferman)

  • TA in Math 25500 "Basic Algebra-2", Winter 2018 (taught by Prof. Stehnova)

  • TA in Math 25400 "Basic Algebra-1", Fall 2018 (taught by Prof. Stehnova)