Jason Kountouridis
Email: iasonk@math.uchicago.edu
Institut de Mathématique d'Orsay
Université Paris-Saclay
Bâtiment 307, Bureau 3P21
F-91405 Orsay, France
I am a Simons postdoctoral member of the
Simons Collaboration on Perfection in Algebra, Geometry and Topology group, currently working at Université Paris-Saclay under the mentorship of
Kęstutis Česnavičius.
Before that I was a student of
Matt Emerton at the University of Chicago, and I graduated in the summer of 2024.
My research interests lie in the area of arithmetic - algebraic geometry. I study singularities and degenerations of varieties in positive and mixed characteristic, along with their connections to number theory and birational geometry.
- On simple singularities and Weyl monodromy actions in mixed characteristic. [pdf] [arxiv]
- (with A. Guzman, K. Kansal , B. Savoie and X. Wang) Smoothness of components of the Emerton-Gee stack for GL2. [arxiv] To appear in Transactions of the AMS.
Winter 2024: Math 15250 Mathematical Methods for Economic Analysis
Fall 2023: Math 15250 Mathematical Methods for Economic Analysis
Winter 2023: Math 15300 Calculus III
Fall 2022: Math 15250 Mathematical Methods for Economic Analysis
Winter 2022: Math 15200 Calculus II
Fall 2021: Math 15100 Calculus I
Spring 2021: Math 13300 Elementary Calculus III
Winter 2021: Math 13200 Elementary Calculus II
Fall 2020: Math 13100 Elementary Calculus I