Ewain Gwynne

I am a professor of mathematics at the University of Chicago. I am also a member of the Committee on Computational and Applied Mathematics (CCAM).

Prior to coming to Chicago I was a postdoc at the University of Cambridge. I got my Ph.D from MIT in 2018, advised by Scott Sheffield. Previously, I was an undergraduate student at Northwestern University.

I am interested in probability theory, particularly random geometric objects which arise in statistical mechanics. Topics I have worked on include Schramm-Loewner evolution, Liouville quantum gravity, random planar maps, random permutations, random walk in random environment, and various random growth processes.

Here is a non-technical summary of my research aimed at an audience with some scientific background, not necessarily in math.

I am a co-organizer of the workshop Two-Dimensional Random Geometry which will take place at IMSI in Chicago, July 8-12 2024.

I am an associate editor of Probability and Mathematical Physics.

Contact Information

Office: Ryerson 360D

Email: ewain at uchicago.edu

Here is a link to my CV: CV

PhD students advised (at least in part) by me


Expository works

Curvature in random geometry

Random geometry in dimension at least three

Relationships between Liouville quantum gravity and SLE with mismatched parameter values

Relationships between supercritical LQG, SLE, and random planar maps

Harmonic balls and IDLA

Meanders and permutations

Loewner evolution with complex driving function

Critical and supercritical Liouville quantum gravity metric

Subcritical Liouville quantum gravity metric

Distances in random planar maps and Liouville quantum gravity

Random walk/conformal embeddings of random planar maps

Percolation on random planar maps

Self-avoiding walk on random planar maps

Fractal properties of SLE/LQG

Peanosphere convergence/mating-of-trees bijections

First passage percolation

Undergraduate papers
