Basic Geometry

Instructor:Howard Masur,

  • email
  • Office Hours:Eck 404A
  • Monday 10:00-11:00, Tuesday, Thursday 9:30-10:30 and by appointment

    Graduate student Spencer Dowdall

  • email:
  • Office Hours Jones 226
  • 3-4 Tuesday, 11-12 4-5 Wednesday

    Teaching Fellow Katharine Turner

  • email:
  • Office Hours Eck 14
  • 5-6:30 Monday 1-2 Friday

  • This course will be organized and presented in an inquiry based learning fashion. Here is how students will be evaluated.

  • Class Participation in various forms 40%
  • Journal Submission 40%
  • Final Exam Presentation 20%

    The course will roughly consist of three parts. In the first we will study basic Euclidean geometry. In the second we study projective geometry and in the third, hyperbolic or non Euclidean geometry.

    The first set of notes and exercises are available as a pdf file

    The second set of notes and exercises are available as a pdf file

    The third set of notes and exercises are available as a pdf file file

    You will need to buy a compass and straight edge. You can get them at Office Depot on 55th street.