DAG reading group (Fall 2011)
This is a reading group for students interested in derived algebraic geometry
and higher category theory.
Our goal is to understand the ideas in Jacob Lurie's work on
derived moduli problems, covered in DAG X (and
covered in less detail in his ICM address). We will
start with the foundations of higher category theory (via quasi-categories).
- The organizational meeting took place
on September 6 at 4:30pm in Room 530 in the Science Center.
- The opening lecture (Jacob Lurie) was on Tuesday, September 13 at 4:30
pm in
Room 530 Hall E in the Science Center.
- The second talk (Akhil Mathew) on the basics of quasi-categories was on
Tuesday, September 20 at 4:30
pm in Hall E in the Science center. Here are notes.
- The third talk (Gijs Heuts) on fibrations of simplicial sets and the
Grothendieck construction was on Thursday, September 29th from 5-6:30 pm in
Room 530 (note the change).
- The fourth talk (Omar Antolin-Camarena) on stable infinity-categories,
following DAG I, will be on Thursday, October 6, from 5-6:30 pm in room 530.
- The fifth talk (Omar Antolin-Camarena) on stable infinity-categories
(continuing the fourth),
following DAG I, will be on Thursday, October 13, from 5-6:30 pm in room 530.
- The sixth talk (Emily Riehl), on simplicial categories, will be on
Thursday, October 20, from 5-6:30 pm in room 530.
- The seventh talk (Akhil Mathew), on rational homotopy theory (following
Quillen's paper), will be on
Thursday, October 27, from 5-6:30 pm in room 530.
- The eighth meeting will be an informal discussion of Lurie's ICM address (there will
not be a talk) on Thursday, Nov. 3.
- The ninth meeting (Alex Perry) will be a survey of deformation theory, on
Thursday, Nov. 10.
- The tenth meeting (Alex Perry), on deformation theory, covering
an extension of Schlessinger's paper to
groupoid-valued functors, will be on
Thursday, Nov. 17.
- The eleventh meeting (Omar Antolin-Camerana), on Koszul duality, will be on
Thursday, Dec. 1. References are Priddy, "Koszul resolutions,"
Ginzburg-Kapranov, "Koszul duality for operads," and Getzler-Jones,
"Operads, homotopy algebra, and iterated integrals for double loop
Derived algebraic geometry