Service to the profession
Chair of the Search Committee to select the new director of the IMA, 2013-2014
Board of Governors of the Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, 2010-2015
Council of the American Mathematical Society, Member at Large, 2009-2012
Scientific Advisory Board, Banff International Research Station
Conferences/Programs/Schools - Member of Scientific/Organizing Committees
Workshop on ``Stochastic Homogenization'', June 2015, Banff, Canada
Special semester on ``Homogenization and Random Phenomena'', Fall 2014, Mittag-Leffler Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Inaugural Analysis School, June 2014, Chicago
Summer school on "Stochastic homogenization", The University of Chicago (2012)
Tutorial program on "Viscosity solutions and mathematical biology", Hokaido University,
Sapporo, Japan (2011)
Workshop on "Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: Theory, numerics and applications",
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK (2010)
Program on "Stochastic Partial Differential Equations", Isaac Newton Institute,
Cambridge, UK (2010)
Tutorial program on "Viscosity solutions and related topics", July 2010, Hokaido University,
Sapporo, Japan (2010)
Thematic summer program on Nonlinear PDE, PIMS, Vancouver, Canada (2009)
Workshop on "Analysis of nonlinear PDEs and free boundary problems: Applications to
homogenization", PIMS, Vancouver, Canada (2009)
Conference on "Future directions in the theory of nonlinear pde", Austin (2008)
Conference "Current Perspectives in Applied Mathematics", Courant Institute, New York
International Conference on "Contemporary Applied Mathematics", Shanghai, China (2009)
Conference on "Future directions in the theory of nonlinear pde", Austin (2008)
Workshop on "Numerical methods for degenerate elliptic equations", BIRS, Banff, Canada
Conference on "Random homogenization", CIRM, Marseille, France, (2005)
Workshop on "Recent developments in random homogenization", INDAM, Rome, Italy (2005)
Workshop on "Front propagation and nonlinear stochastic pde's for combustion applications",
CRM, Montreal, Canada (2005)
Thematic year on "The mathematics of stochastic multiscale modelling", CRM,
Canada (2004-2005)
European Training Network on "Hyperbolic and kinetic equations" (2000-2005)
Thematic summer program on Nonlinear PDE, PIMS, Vancouver, Canada (2001)
Workshop on "Viscosity methods in PDE", PIMS, Vancouver, Canada (2001)
Conference on "Nonlinear analysis", University of California-Santa Barbara (2000)
Program on "Geometrically based motions", IPAM, Los Angeles (2001)
Workshop on "Moving interfaces and threshold dynamics", IPAM, Los Angeles (2001)
Conference on "Turbulent reaction diffusion", Herakleion, Greece (1999)
Euroconference on "Front propagation", Herakleion, Greece (1998)
Summer program on "Conservation laws", Herakleion, Greece, (1998)
Summer program on "Viscosity solutions", Herakleion, Greece (1998)
Special session on "viscosity solutions", SIAM meeting on Control, Minneapolis (1992)
Special on "Front propagation", AMS meeting, Philadelphia (1991)
Special session on "viscosity solutions and applications", 29th IEEE-CDC, Honolulu (1991)
Conference on "Stochastic control and PDE", Brown University, Providence (1988)
Special session on "applications of viscosity solutions", 25th IEEE-CDC, Athens,
Greece (1986)
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