Seraphina Eun Bi Lee



I am a sixth-year graduate student in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Chicago, advised by Benson Farb. I am a low-dimensional topologist interested in Lefschetz fibrations and mapping class groups of certain 4-manifolds. Previously, I was an undergraduate at Cornell University.

Here is my CV.


Email: seraphinalee at uchicago dot edu
Office: Eckhart 127

Publications and preprints:

  • Lefschetz fibrations with infinitely many sections, [arXiv] [pdf]
     with Carlos A. Serván.
    preprint, 2024.
  • Mapping classes fixing an isotropic homology class of minimal genus 0 in rational 4-manifolds, [arXiv] [pdf]
    under revision, 2023.
  • Isotopy classes of involutions of del Pezzo surfaces, [arXiv] [pdf]
    Adv. Math., 426:Paper No. 109086, 38, 2023.
  • The Nielsen realization problem for high degree del Pezzo surfaces, [arXiv] [pdf]
    Geom. Dedicata, 218(3):Paper No. 67, 27, 2024.
  • Cohomology of the Universal Abelian Surface with Applications to Arithmetic Statistics, [arXiv] [pdf]
    Q. J. Math., 73(4): 1227–1278, 2022.
  • Spectral Decimation for Families of Self-Similar Symmetric Laplacians on the Sierpinski Gasket, [arXiv] [pdf] [code] [data]
     with Sizhen Fang, Dylan A. King, and Robert S. Strichartz.
    J. Fractal Geom., 7(1): 1-62, 2020.


Other links

(last updated Jan 30, 2025.)