Past Talks (2023-2024)

Autumn 2023

October 4

Project Panel - The Benefits and Challenges of Projects.
(Kale Davies, Selma Yildirim and Beniada Shabani, UChicago)

Abstract: A panel of Kale Davies, Selma Yildirim, and Beniada Shabani will share their experiences with assigning projects.

October 11

Math 150's Exam Workshop
(Panel, UChicago)

Abstract: this workshop is geared in particular to instructors designing exams for the first time, such as fourth-year GSLs teaching in the 150s. What do you need to think about when constructing an exam? How do you come up\ with questions? How do you know what the right length is? We will discuss all aspects of exam writing and will also have a few sample exams.

October 18

MAA Guide Discussion
(Nikki Pitcher, UChicago)

Abstract: This meeting is a continuation of our series of discussions on the MAA Instructional Practices Guide. Specifically, we will be covering sections DP.2 - DP.4 (pp. 100 - 111), which correspond to Session 9 (on Design Practices) in the Book Study Guide.

November 1

Mastery-Based Grading in Precalculus
(Karl Schaefer, WUSTL)

Abstract: For me, traditional grading is one of the most frustrating and least rewarding aspects of teaching. I have a hard time justifying to myself why a particular mistake is worth -3 points instead of -2 points, or why a final grade of 89.8% doesn’t round up to a 90%, let alone trying to justify it to my students. In 2020, I adopted a “mastery-based grading” approach to assessment in my Foundations for Calculus course. In this talk, I wil introduce mastery-based grading as an alternative approach to assessment, discuss how I have implemented it in my course, and share some effects that I’ve noticed both for me as a teacher and on my students as learners.

November 8

MAA Guide Discussion
(Beniada Shabani, UChicago)

Abstract: This meeting is a continuation of our series of discussions on the MAA Instructional Practices Guide. Specifically, we will be covering sections XE1-XE3 (pp. 122 - 128) and revisiting DP 1.3 (pp. 92-95), which correspond to Session 10 (on Equity) in the Book Study Guide.

November 15

The Humanities Core
(Samantha Fenn and David Wray, UChicago)

Abstract: Samantha Fenn (Senior Instructional Professor, Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts) and David Wray (Associate Professor, Comparative Literature, Classics and the College) will discuss the Humanities Core, its structure, pedagogical goals and challenges. We hope that this will be just the beginning of a sustained interdisciplinary conversation.

Winter 2024

January 10

Book Discussion
(Beniada Shabani, UChicago)

Abstract: Beniada Shabani will lead a discussion on Chapters 1-3 of Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom, by Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy

January 17

An Asymptote Reaching Towards Infinity: Reflections from a Former UChicago Math Major
(Sara Rezvi (she/they), UIC)

Abstract: The panelist attended UChicago from 2002-2006 as a math major and earned their BA in 2006. In this interactive discussion and talk, the panelist will highlight from published work how these experiences impacted her mathematical trajectory with respect to race, class, gender, disability, sexuality and other sites of marginalization.

January 24

Collaborative Learning in Undergraduate Mathematics
(Subhadip Chowdhury, UChicago)

Abstract: We will be discussing the five vital elements for productive cooperation in the classroom (following Johnson & Johnson, '98), obstacles for their practical implementation, and concrete strategies that work. Besides implementation, we will also talk about how to assess the success of a chosen strategy. I will be soliciting ideas from the attendees to personalize the suggestions in the context of undergraduate Math courses at UChicago.

February 7

Several Perspectives on Creating Innovative Teaching and Learning Experiences
(Selma Yildirim, UChicago)

Abstract: In this talk, we will look at the overarching theme of creating innovative teaching and learning experiences from several perspectives. Even though content in some of my previous talks are unified, some new ideas will be presented as well.

February 14

Book Discussion
(Stephen Yearwood, UChicago)

Abstract: Stephen Yearwood will lead a discussion on Chapters 4-5 of Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom, by Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy

February 21

Empathetic Storytelling: Igniting Change in Education
(Sean Nank, PhD. Professor, American College of Education. Adjunct Professor, California State University San Marcos. Jackie Murawska, EdD. STEM Instructional Coach, Skokie - Morton Grove School District 69, Mathematics Education Researcher)

Abstract: Honoring university students' identities affords connections, ensuring further success but more importantly, a sense of belonging, not only in mathematics but across all majors. Relationships are the key to support students in completing their degree and offer us insight into who may be our next partner in research. Come reflect on stories from the presenters, converse about how you would handle difficult sit\ uations, and leave with actionable resources and protocols to use empathetic storytelling in your classroom.

Spring 2024

March 27

Book Discussion
(Nikki Pitcher, UChicago)

Abstract: Nikki Pitcher will facilitate a discussion on Chapter 4 of Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom, by Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy

April 3

Guidelines for Program Review: The Self-Study
(John Alongi, UChicago)

Abstract: A regular cycle of review has the potential to promote continuous and intentional improvement in an academic program. Using the framework described by the Mathematical Association of America’s recent publication “Guidelines for Program Review in the Mathematical Sciences,” we will consider how we might evaluate UChicago’s undergraduate mathematics program through self-study.

The guidelines can be found here:

April 10

SDS Accommodations
(Kitty Clark and Charnessa Warren, UChicago)

Abstract: Kitty Clark and Charnessa Warren from SDS will address questions such as

  • What range of difficulties are students facing that leads them to need the various accommodations?
  • How should instructors think about options they offer to students to meet the accommodations? (Even simple accommodations like extra time lead us to questions like whether we need to find a 75 minute block of time in one place or whether it is reasonable to ask the student to take 50 minutes of the exam with the rest of the class and then walk back to our office finish the exam. Accommodations such as reduced distraction or the one with flexible deadlines are also challenging for us to know exactly how to interpret them.)
  • Are there things we could/should be doing as instructors to make it easier for students with accommodations to succeed in our class?

April 24

Book Discussion
(Stephen Yearwood, UChicago)

Abstract: Stephen Yearwood will facilitate a discussion on Chapter 5 of Inclusive Teaching: Strategies for Promoting Equity in the College Classroom, by Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy

May 1

Student Attitudes Towards Mathematics: How Important are They?
(Nikki Pitcher, UChicago)

Abstract: Studies show that when students feel good about their math experiences, they are more engaged students in the classroom. However, studies also show that teaching techniques which improve learning outcomes can result in students feeling less confident mathematically, Nikki Pitcher (UChicago) will lead a discussion on university students' attitudes towards mathematics and whether instructors can (or should) attempt to improve those attitudes.

May 8

Syllabus Workshop
(Beniada Shabani and Sarah Ziesler, UChicago)

Abstract: This seminar will be in the form of a workshop on Syllabus design. The course syllabus can vary widely in design and purpose. Many authors have discussed the purposes of the syllabus and suggested best practices in syllabus design. Beniada Shabani and Sarah Ziesler will discuss the key features of different kinds of syllabi, the pedagogical rationale behind the choices instructors make in their syllabus design, and some studies that try to assess the impact of the tone and design of the syllabus on student perception. We encourage participants to bring a sample syllabus to share and discuss. Graduate students are particularly encouraged to attend.