I am a 6th year graduate student in Mathematics at the University of Chicago working with Panagiotis E. Souganidis. Previously, I was an undergraduate in the School of Applied Mathematics and Physical Sciences at the National Technical University of Athens.
Research Interests
- Partial differential equations
- Mean Field Games
Preprints and Publications
- Sharp convergence rates for mean field control in the region of strong regularity,, with P. Cardaliaguet, J. Jackson and P. Souganidis, 36 pages, preprint.
- A Mean Field Game approach to Large Deviations for empirical measures under common noise, 24 pages, preprint.
- Regularity and long time behavior of one-dimensional first-order mean field games and the planning problem , with Sebastian Munoz , 35 pages, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, to appear.
- Weak and renormalized solutions to a hypoelliptic Mean Field Games system, 42 pages, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, to appear.
Contact Me
Email: nmimikos "at" uchicago "dot" edu
Office: Math-Stat 016