Megan Roda

PhD Candidate
Department of Mathematics
University of Chicago
Email: mroda [at] uchicago [dot] edu

I am a PhD Candidate in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Chicago and my advisor is Alex Eskin. Before joining UChicago, I received a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from McGill University and completed the Accelerated Master's program in Mathematics also at McGill University. My Master's thesis advisor was Eyal Z. Goren.

I am part of the dynamics group at UChicago. I study dynamical systems on compact complex surfaces, like K3 surfaces.

From 2019 - 2022 I received funding from NSERC through the Canadian Postgraduate Scholarship PGS. I also received the Lawrence and Josephine Graves teaching prize from the University of Chicago, Department of Mathematics, in 2023.


Roda, M. (2024). Classifying ergodic hyperbolic stationary measures on compact complex surfaces with large automorphism groups. arXiv Preprint.

Roda, M. (2019). Supersingular isogeny graphs with level N structure and path problems on ordinary isogeny graphs. MSc Thesis, McGill University.


Graduate Student Lecturer
From 2021 to present, I have taught the following classes as the instructor of record: MATH 13100, 13200 (Calculus), 15250 (Economical Analysis), 19620 (Linear Algebra). I have taught MATH 19620 multiple times.

College Fellow
I was a teaching assistant for the following classes at UChicago in 2020: MATH 26200 (Point-set Topology), MATH 25400 (Group Theory), and MATH 20300 (Real analysis).