Hi! I am a grad student at UChicago, working with Victor Ginzburg. Previously, I was an undergrad at Cornell.
I like to think about Schubert calculus, polytopes, link homology, and many other things in algebraic combinatorics. I especially like problems with representation theoretic flavor.
Here is a list of publications. Here's my CV.
Email: linus at math dot uchicago dot edu.
Here is the newest version of my paper Hikita surjectivity for \mathcal N /// T.
Recent talks:
• Michigan State University Combinatorics and Graph Theory Seminar, October 30, 2024. [Slides]
• Ohio State University Algebraic Geometry Seminar, October 22, 2024. [Slides]
If you want slides from older talks, feel free to email me!
Slides from an expository talk on cluster algebras and recurrence relations.
Notes from expository talks on Richardson varieties and Khovanov--Rozansky link homology.
(last updated February 10, 2024.)