Computability Seminar
The Midwest Computability Seminar
meets twice in the fall and twice in the spring at University of
Chicago. Researchers in computability theory and their students
and postdocs from University of Chicago, University of Notre Dame, and
University of Wisconsin-Madison plus some others throughout the area
regularly attend. Normally we have half hour talks and 1-hour
talks, though this varies, and a few hours
to talk and collaborate with each other. The seminar started in
the fall of 2008.
DATE: Tuesday, February 15, 2011.
PLACE: Ryerson, University of
1100 East 58th Street, Chicago, IL 60637.
- Uri Andrews - U. of Wisconsin.
- Paola D'Aquino - U. di Napoli
- David Diamondstone - U. of Chicago
- Christopher Porter - U. of Notre Dame.
- Rebecca Steiner - City U. of NY
- 12:00 - 1:00: Lunch. (the Barn Ry 352)
- 1:00 - 1:30: Rebecca Steiner.
- 1:35 - 2:05: Paola D'Aquino.
- 2:30 - 3:00: Uri Andrews.
- 2:30 - 3:30:
Coffee break - Move to Eckhart
206 at 3:30.
- 3:50- 4:20: Christopher Porter.
- 4:30 - 5:00: David Diamondstone.
- 6:00: The Nile - 1611 East 55th Street,
Chicago, IL 60615-5803
Rebecca Steiner.
Title: Computable Fields and the Bounded Turing Reduction
Abstract: For a computable field F, the splitting set S_F of F is the
set of polynomials with coefficients in F which factor over F, and the
root set R_F of F is the set of polynomials with coefficients in
F which have a root in F.
Results of Frohlich and Shepherdson from 1956 imply that for a
computable field F, the splitting set S_F and the root set R_F are
Turing-equivalent. Much more recently, R. G. Miller showed that
for algebraic fields, the root set actually has slightly higher
complexity: for algebraic fields F, it is always the case that S_F
1-reduces to R_F, but there are algebraic fields F where we have R_F
not 1-reducible to S_F.
Here we compare the splitting set and the root set of a
computable algebraic field under a different reduction: the bounded
Turing reduction. We construct a computable algebraic field for
which R_F does not bT-reduce to S_F.
We also define a Rabin embedding g of a field into its algebraic
closure, and for a computable algebraic field F, we compare the
relative complexities of R_F, S_F, and g(F) under m-reducibility and
under bT-reducibility.
Paola D'Aquino.
Title: Schuanuel's Conjecture and exponential fields
Abstract: I will analyze some consequences of Schanuel's Conjecture
over exponential fields, in connection also to the model theoretic
analysis of the complex exponential field proposed by Zilber.
Christopher Porter.
Title: Randomness, Learnability, and Depth
Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss recent work relating
randomness-theoretic notions of learning developed by C.P. Schnorr and
his student Peter Fuchs in the late 1970s to Charles Bennett's notion
of logical depth.
Uri Andrews.
Title: (Ah)madness.
Abstact: (joint work with Steffen Lempp and Selwyn Ng) We say that a
set $A$ is enumeration below ($\leq_e$) a set $B$ if there is an
effective procedure to turn an enumeration of $B$ into an enumeration
of $A$. We examine the structure of the enumeration degrees of
$\Sigma_2$ sets. Slaman and Woodin showed that the 5-quantifier theory
of this structure is undecidable, and Kent improved this to show that
the 3-quantifier theory is undecidable. The embedding of the Turing
degrees into the enumeration degrees ($A \mapsto A\oplus \bar{A}$)
gives that the 1-quantifier theory is decidable. This talk will discuss
recent work towards understanding the 2-quantifier theory of the
enumeration degrees.
A pair of degrees $(a,b)$ form an Ahmad pair if $a\nleq b$ and
$c< a \rightarrow c<b$. In her thesis, Ahmad showed that Ahmad
pairs exist, and that no symmetric Ahmad pair exists (ie: $(a,b)$ an
Ahmad pair and $(b,a)$ an Ahmad pair). We consider generalizations of
this symmetric Ahmad phenomenon of the form $a_1,\ldots a_n$ an
anti-chain such that $c<a_i \rightarrow \exists j \neq i c<a_j$,
and show that such tuples do not exist.
David Diamondstone.
Title: Promptness and cupping for $\leq_{wtt}$
Abstract: In 1984, Ambos-Spies, Jockusch, Shore, and Soare proved that
among the Turing degrees, the degrees of promptly simple sets coincide
with the degrees which are low-cuppable. Andr\'{e} Nies asked whether
the same is true for sets which are superlow cuppable, and in 2008 I
demonstrated that this is not the case. The question then naturally
arose whether being superlow cuppable is equivalent to some stronger
notion of promptness. Ng Keng Meng and I introduce a new notion, which
we call strong promptness, which implies superlow cuppability and gives
something akin to the prompt = low-cuppable equivalence for weak
truth-table reducibility.
(joint work with Ng Keng Meng)
Previous Seminars:
- Sept 23th 2008. Antonio
Montalbán - Logan Axon - Joe Miller
- Nov 11th 2008. Chris
Conidis - Keng Meng (Selwyn) Ng - Peter Gerdes
- Feb 3rd 2009. David Diamondstone
- Bart Kastermans - Richard A. Shore
- April 21th 2009. Dan Turetsky -
Julia Knight - Ted Slaman
- Sept 29th 2009. Carl Jockusch -
Rachel Epstein - Rebecca Weber
- Jan 26th 2010. Sara Quinn - John
Wallbaum - Steffen Lempp - Reed
- May 11th 2010. Adam Day - Liang
Yu - Rod
Downey - Boris Zilber
- Sept 28th 2010. Maurice Chiodo -
Peter Gerdes - Damir Dzhafarov -
Andy Lewis
- Feb 15th 2011. Uri Andrews - Paola D'Aquino -
Diamondstone - Christopher Porter - Rebecca Steiner.
If you haven't been
receiving the announcements, and you would like to be included in the
list, send me an email to antonio at uchicago.edu.