Operator Algebras
C*-Algebras Generated by Weakly Quasi-Lattice Ordered Groups
In 1992 Alexandru Nica published a highly influential paper examining the C*-algebras generated by a semigroup he calls a quasi-lattice ordered group. Of particular interest to Nica were the C*-algebras generated by the Toeplitz representation of a quasi-lattice order, and a universally defined C*-algebra he calls C*(G, P). Due to the concreteness of the first C*-algebra and the universal properties of the second, Nica was interested in finding sufficient conditions to determine when these two algebras were isomorphic. He called quasi-lattice orders that satisfied this isomorphism condition amenable. Finding techniques that establish amenability is now a topic at the cutting edge of research in the study of C*-algebras of semigroups. In this dissertation, we follow the outline set out by Nica's paper to study the C*-algebras generated by weakly quasi-lattice ordered groups. Most of the proofs throughout this dissertation required a substantial amount of original work to fill in details omitted by Nica, as he often only offered a proof outline.