Kevin Wald: Some Early English Fragments ------------------------------------------------------------ A, we! A grene gome I naf Neuer sene, ne nolde se; But on sene, I vowche saf, Deme I bettre thanne on to be. -- Sir Gawain and the G. Burgess ------------------------------------------------------------ Thaet scafan wel gemaec bith munecum, ond monnum othrum, bith na bunecumm. Byrme Scafe. ------------------------------------------------------------ Ealle lufath se Woruldweard; wif, thone guman the birth na beard. Byrme Scafe. ------------------------------------------------------------ Bealubrer birth biterne waestm. Hwa thaet cunne, on heortum monna hwelcu scyld lutie? Seo Sceadu conn. (Heaheahea . . .) ------------------------------------------------------------ Ful often have I payed that was due, And suffred peynes, though from crime pure; Of soor mistakes have I maad som fewe; My part of sand have I received sure In face, and have availled; and I dure. Ywis, we been the champiouns, my freend, And so we shullen fighten on till end. (G. Chaucer, "The Compleynt of Mercury")