Algebraic Number Theory

Book : Neukirch

Grading : Homework 50%, Final exam 50%

Homeworks will be assigned on Tuesday. Solutions are to be returned  to Jonathan Sun on the next Tuesday before noon.

Problem set
  1. Galois theory
  2. (Neukirch) Exercises 3 and 5 in page 15 and Exercises 2 and 4 in page 23. 
  3. (Neukirch) Exercices 1, 2 and 4 in page 38.
  4. (Neukirch) Exercices 1, 4 and 6 in pages 43-44. 
  5. (Neukirch) Exercices 1, 2 and 3 in pages 64-65. 
  6. (Neukirch) Exercices 1, 3 page 106 and 3,5,8,9 pages 115-116.
  7. (Neukirch) Exercices 1, 4, 5 page 142 and and 1, 2 pages 165-166.
  8. (Neukirch) Exercices 1, 2, 3 page 176 and 1, 2 page 181