Ultrafilters: Spring Quarter 2016

Math 295-22 (Salle Morrissey)

Description: Ultrafilters on a set X are maximal (under inclusion) subsets of the power set of X
which are upward closed, closed under finite intersection, and do not contain the empty set. From
this simple definition arises a very rich set of ideas, developed over the course of the twentieth century.
Ultrafilters over infinite sets give a generalized notion of limit, and they also allow us to compute
averages of infinitely many objects via the ultraproduct construction. We will cover the basics of
ultrafilters and ultraproducts and the building of different types of ultrafilters, and discuss some
applications in combinatorics, logic, topology and algebra as time permits. The course will have
a final project. No special prerequisites beyond the program requirements will be assumed.

Sources: Class notes and handouts.
Suggested further reading: Chang and Keisler, Model Theory, third edition.