The University of Chicago Mathematics REU 2024
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2024 REU: Announcement and description of the program
2024 REU: Application for University of Chicago students
Completed U of C applications should be returned to E314
(slip under the door if nobody is there)
2024 REU: Application for non-University of Chicago students
This is a suggested template for your Research Statement, to be uploaded
to your application.
To apply, go to MathPrograms:
Links to past REUs
- Link to the 2023 REU
- Link to the 2022 REU
- Link to the 2021 REU
- Link to the 2020 REU
- Link to the 2019 REU
- Link to the 2018 REU
- Link to the 2017 REU
- Link to the 2016 REU
- Link to the 2015 REU
- Link to the 2014 REU
- FIRST and SECOND WEEK SCHEDULES, June 10-June 14 and June 17 June 21
- FIRST and SECOND WEEK Abstracts
- THIRD and FOURTH WEEK SCHEDULES, June 24-June 28 and July 1-July 5
- FIFTH and SIXTH WEEK SCHEDULES, July 8-July 12 and July 15-July 19
- SEVENTH and EIGHTH WEEK SCHEDULES, July 22-July 26 and July 29-August 2
- 8 week tentative schedule of talks and events (except for the apprentice program)
- REU: Table of mentorship pairings
Notes and readings for talks
- Finite Spaces Book Rough Draft (Parts in red may not be ready for reading)
- Definitions: Operads, algebras, and modules
- Operads, algebras, and modules
- Operads, moperads, and bioperads
- Glimpses of equivariant algebraic topology
- Notes on condensed mathematics
Dead links are to papers under revision
- Aliakseyeu, Raman. Gromov's Betti number bound.
- Amzallag, Romain. The Weil conjectures for elliptic curves.
- Armstrong, Benjamin. Traveler's guide to spectral deferred correction.
- Buchko, Judson. Formal systems: RCA_0, WKL_0, and ACA_0.
- Chen, Dadu and Gu, Zhuohan. An introduction to Loewner energy.
- Chen, Kaiyi. Hodge theory and algebraic geometry.
- Chen, Yuyuan. Handle decomposition and Wall's theorem on h-cobordisms.
- Contractor, Maryam and Reed, Otto. Minimal dilatation Thurston pseudo-Anosov mapping classes.
- De Poyen-Bron, Alexander. Proof of the projective Nullstellensatz.
- DeRosa, A. J. Studies in strong contextuality.
- Descollonges, Pascal. Moore-type bounds in hypergraphs.
- Dupor, Tom. Brownian motion, Hausdorff dimension, and dimension doubling.
- Flowers, Will. Introducing moduli spaces: two examples.
- Fox, Avery. Random fractals from the sample paths of Brownian motion.
- Ganguly, Akash. Mapping class groups through a kaleidoscope.
- Garicano, Marten. Farey graphs, frieze patterns, and $SL_2$-tilings.
- Goldman, Shanna. Classic examples in dynamical systems.
- Grannis, Dillon. An introduction to the ring of fractions.
- Gu, Zhuohan (See Chen, Dadu). An introduction to Loewner energy.
- He, Yike. Ricci flow with surgery.
- Ho, Aaron. Russo-Seymour-Welsh theory for percolation models.
- Houston, William. A proof of Stiefel's parallelizability theorem.
- Hovanec, Julian. Algorithmic methods for Kakeya and Furstenberg sets in the plane.
- Jarboe, Grayson. Introduction to fractal dimensions using algorithmic information.
- Jafar Nia, Nika. Algebraic operads and Kosxul duality.
- Kaibni, Michael Andre. The Euler characteristic and smooth vector fields.
- Kaufmann, Julian. $A_1$ calculation.
- Khansa, Inanna. Hyperbolic dynamical systems and structural stability.
- Komorech, Vaughn. The four color theorem.
- Lafevers, C. Dow. An elementary treatment of Chern classes.
- Leacock, Colleen. The modular group and building Riemann surfaces.
- Lee, Michael. The De Giorgi method with applications to fluid dynamics.
- Lu, Zichen. Linear inviscid damping for two-dimensional homogeneous Euler equation.
- .Lys, Andrew. Converse of the Lebesgue number lemma.
- Matta, Kisna. Free boundary regularity for the classical obstacle problem.
- Mehmedagic, Mirza. Geometric measure theory with methods from algorithmic complexity.
- Moessner, Matteo. Providing a bound to perturbations of reduced density matrices in disordered quantum systems using percolation theory.
- Narayanan, Akash. Teichm\"uller space and the Nielsen realization problem.
- Nottley, George. Construction and basic properties of the continuum random tree.
- Oberoi, Arina. Riemann surfaces in machine learning.
- O'Farrell, Ryan. Renormalization and universality in dynamics.
- Padmanabhan, Pranav. A brisk tour of elliptic curves.
- Pan, Kailin. Ring operads and symmetric bimonoidal categories.
- Peng, Yebo. Notes on prismatic cohomology.
- Pham, Hung. Some results in tensor rank decomposition.
- Pham, Minh. Sharpening the convergence to equilibrium estimate of the dispersion process.
- Ragone, Frank. Draft on probability, title TBD..
- Rastogi, Yash. Intertwining classical and quantum dynamics on hyperbolic sufaces: a microlocal perspective.
- Reed, Otto. (See Contractor, Maryam). Minimal dilatation Thurston pseudo-Anosov mapping classes.
- Seignourel, Simon. A survey of techniques in elliptic regularity theory.
- Singh, Aditya. The Galton-Watson branching process.
- Song, Valen. Comparison of two algorithms for shortest path problem.
- Steinberg, Ezra. To $\bC^{\infty}$ and beyond! Solving Hilbert's 19th problem.
- Strupp, Adam. Complex linear representations.
- Stump, Jacob. An introduction to quasifuchsian manifolds in hyperbolic space.
- Sun, Junfei. A Hamiltonian perspective on Sherman's area-convexity algorithm based on symplectic conjugate and its relationship to dual extrapolation.
- Tran, Dinh-Quan. Viscosity solutions in optimal control theory and zero-sum differential games.
- Williams, Diego. Solving fixed point problems with differential forms.
- Wu, Justin. Bounds on sums of Betti numbers.
- Wu, Zongjin (Tracy). N-radial function of loop-erased random walk.
- Yagupsky, Joshua. Forcing: an introduction to independence proofs in set theory.
- Yin, Eric. Elliptic curves and the Hilbert class field.
- Zhang, Cloudifold. TBD
- Zhang, David. The function-sheaf correspondence and $\ell$-adic Fourier transform.
- Zhou, Peter. The Langlands program and residual modularity.
Dead links are to papers under revision
- Ananthakrishnan, Sriram. Galois theory and the fundamental theorem of algebra.
- Bastiani-Fonck, Claudio. Hall's theorems on solvable groups.
- Bengi, Mehmet Kaan. An introduction to commutative rings.
- Cahilly, Glen. Counterfactual regret minimization: intuition, theory, and application
- Chen, Aden. Spectral theory and the min-max theorem.
- Comess, William. A comprehensive exploration of the central limit theorem.
- Courbe, Leo. Topology, geometry, and dynamical system of torus.
- Das, Joaquim. An introduction to the probabilistic method.
- Eifert, Liam. An introduction to rings with algebraic curves.
- Esteva, Agustin. Measure theory, stochastic calculus, and the Black-Scholes-Merton model.
- Etterer, Aidan. Non-equilibrium impacts on evolvability.
- Frankel, Leo. Primer on modular forms.
- Gillbrand, James. Exposition on the connections between descent methods and Hamiltonian mechanics.
- Gupta, Avni. Totally symmetric sets.
- Hah, Andrew. Lattice-based cryptography.
- Hao, Wanqing (Anita). The Hausdorff dimension: construction and methods of calculation.
- Jiang, Asher. A random walk into the Black Scholes model.
- Johnson, Joshua. Basics of representation theory.
- Kaimal, Gayathri. The arithmetic hierarchy and some examples from real analysis.
- Kommanapalli, Darshan and Wang, Andrew. Finite Markov chains.
- Larson, Annika. Every braid group is linear.
- Li, Jasmine. Lattice basis reduction and applications in cryptanalysis.
- Luo, Anthony. Residual lives of renewal processes.
- Lys, Matthew. Variance bound for stationary exponential last passage percolation.
- Mustata, Maya. Topological tools for distinguishing knot types.
- Nguyen-Dang, Minh-Anh. Rational points of finite order on elliptic curves.
- Oukacha, Leila. Arbitrage and market dynamics: a probability-based approach.
- Piao, Lina. On the link between Markov chain mixing time and gradient descent convergence bound.
- Ren, Andrew. Introduction to the Nullstellensatz and its capability.
- Rivas Varela, Ramon. The closed subgroup theorem.
- Rychlik, Julia. Lebesgue measure.
- Saunders, Desmond. Two proofs of the prime number theorem.
- Shastry, Siddharth. On the universal approximation theorems.
- Sheehan, Morgan. Martingales and their applications.
- Shen, Charles. Smooth manifolds and de Rham cohomology.
- Sriram, Shreyas. Stein's method in diverse settings.
- Vargas-Hurlston, Isabel Zdena. Introduction to Bezout's theorem.
- Wang, Alice. The toric code.
- Wang, Andrew. (See Kommanapalli.) Finite Markov chains.
- Wen, Hanlei. Burnside's theorem.
- Yang, Paris. Pants decomposition and Teichm\"uller space.
- Zhou, Alexandra Zhitong. Convexity and duality in optimal control: Kuhn-Tucker coefficients, the minimax theorem and Fenchel duality.
- Zou, Yi. Spectral graph theory and matrix tree theorem.
Tex Help
- Template for texing REU papers: \underline{YOU MUST USE THIS TEX FILE}
- An excellent latex web page (with an REU template with more examples)
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- LaTeX -- A document preparation system
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- LaTeX -- A document preparation system
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Guides to writing papers (Steve Kleiman and Dan Kleitman, MIT)
- Writing a math paper (two formats): READ THIS CAREFULLY
- Another useful guide: READ THIS TOO