The University of Chicago Mathematics REU 2023
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An essay about Chicago's REU and DRP programs (from 2014)
2023 REU: Announcement and description of the program
2023 REU: Application for University of Chicago students
Completed U of C applications should be returned to E314
(slip under the door if nobody is there)
2023 REU: Application for non-University of Chicago students
This is a suggested template for your Research Statement, to be uploaded
to your application.
To apply, go to MathPrograms:
Links to past REUs
- Link to the 2022 REU
- Link to the 2021 REU
- Link to the 2020 REU
- Link to the 2019 REU
- Link to the 2018 REU
- Link to the 2017 REU
- Link to the 2016 REU
- Link to the 2015 REU
- Link to the 2014 REU
- FIRST and SECOND WEEK SCHEDULES, June 12-16 and June 19-23
- FIRST WEEK Abstracts
- THIRD and FOURTH WEEK SCHEDULES, June 26-June 30 and July 3-July 7
- FIFTH and SIXTH WEEK SCHEDULES, July 10-July 14 and July 17-July 21
- SEVENTH and EIGHTH WEEK SCHEDULES, July 24-July 28 and July 31-August 4
- REU: Table of mentorship pairings
Notes and readings for talks
- Finite Spaces Book Rough Draft (Parts in red are not ready for reading)
- Definitions: Operads, algebras, and modules
- Operads, algebras, and modules
- Glimpses of equivariant algebraic topology
- Notes on condensed mathematics
Dead links are to papers under revision
- Abdalla Aboarab
- Gabriel Aguilar. Comparison and rigidity statements in geometry.
- Raman Aliakseyeu. Integral currents and Plateau's problem.
- Michael Barz. Singularities, Milnor fibrations, and vanishing cycles.
- Chad Berkich. An introduction to knot polynomials.
- Pedro Bernal
- Patrick Borse
- Cameron Chang. Images of morphisms: Chevalley's theorem and applications.
- Daniel Chen. Regularity of elliptic PDEs.
- Hang Chen. An introduction to Shimura varieties.
- Ruoyu Chen. Category theory and the van Kampen theorem.
- Yanbo Chen. On equivariant $S$-modules and orthogonal spectra.
- Yankai Chen
- Isaiah Wayne Dailey. An axiomatic approach to the Adams spectral sequence.
- Adam Joseph Earnst. Artin reciprocity.
- Daniel Espejo. The Riesz-Markov-Kakutani representation theorem.
- Brian Fu. Linear Representations of $GL_2(F_p)$.
- Noah Geller
- Tyler Groshong. Minimal surfaces from the differential viewpoint.
- Zhuohan Gu. A study in Markov chains, loop-erased random walk and loop soups.
- Federico Guglielmotti. An introduction to It\u{o} calculus.
- Robert Hale. Dynamical systems and Birkhoff's ergodic theorem.
- James Henry Harbour. Asymptotics of fractional Sobolev norms and $s$-perimeter
- William Houston. Vector bundles and Stiefel-Whitney classes.
- William Hu. Graph partitioning and multi-way Cheeger inequalities.
- Logan R. Hyslop. Whitehead filtrations for computations in topological Hochschild homology.
- Daniel Katari (with William Spencer). High conductance expander graphs: constructions and bounds.
- Dhruv Kohli. An introduction to Galois theory and the Abel-Ruffini theorem.
- Owen Kolean. Schemes and the Riemann-Roch theorem.
- Dow Lafevers. Relationship between expansion and the unique games conjecture.
- Haoda Li
- Yutong (Elena) Li. Behavior of growth for first passage percolation.
- Zhenpeng Li. Generalized Landweber exact functor theorem.
- Astrid Olivia Lilly. The Brauer group and obstructions to the Hasse principle.
- Jeffrey Lu. The springer correspondence via convolution.
- Rushil Mallarapu. A motivic approach to the height one telescope conjecture.
- Nico Marin Gamboa
- Zachary Marks. An introduction to Lie algebras.
- Thomas Matheos. Shadowing and structural stability of hyperbolic sets.
- Sam Mayo. Hodge-Lefschetz theory, perverse sheaves, and semismall maps.
- Hugh Turner McLaurin. Chromatic homotopy theory and spectral algebraic geometry.
- Shreya Mukherjee. On the Patterson-Sullivan measure for convex cocompact groups.
- Ethan Naegele. It\u{o}'s formulat with applications.
- Matthew A. Niemiro. Semi-additivity and ambidexterity.
- Mark O'Shea. Lebesgue spaces and the Riesz-Fisher theorem.
- Michael Panner. Topological field theory and finite gauge theory.
- Mahnav Petersen. An introduction to measure-theoretic probability.
- Hadi Rihawi. The prime geodesic theorem.
- Liam Rust
- Nathaniel Selub. Conway's 99-graph problem: a Boolean satisfiability approach.
- Yunhan (Alex) Sheng. Cofreeness of Lubin-Tate theory.
- Thomas Sheppard
- Shiv Seshan
- Hejing Shi. On Mordell-Weil theorem.
- Ben Slater. Clifford algebras and Bott periodicity.
- Rohan Soni. A course in complex analysis via Brownian motion.
- William Spencer (with Daniel Katari). High conductance expander graphs: constructions and bounds.
- Sidney Stanbury. The discrete spectrum of the automorphic Laplacian.
- Dante Strollo
- Baichen Tan. Introduction to linear dimensionality reduction methods.
- Sammy Thiagarajan. Concentration and compensated compactness techniques in PDE.
- Lauren Tsai. The Riemann-Roch theorem.
- Lucas Tucker. Dimensionality reduction and the Fenchel game.
- Yuanzheng Wang. Notes on conformal welding of Liouville quantum gravity surfaces.
- Annie R. Wei. Nash-Moser iteration.
- Jake Wellington. Critical site percolation on the triangular lattice.
- Conrad Wichmann. An introduction to de Rham cohomology.
- Zongjin (Tracy) Wu. Introduction to Gaussian free field and Liouville quantum gravity.
- Colin Yao. Monge-Kantorovich and transportation theory
- Richard Ye. Bourgain’s Embedding Theorem, Johnson-Lindenstrauss Lemma, and the Sparsest Cut Problem.
- Dino Zavattini. Structural stability of Anosov diffeomorphisms.
- Zhenghui (Sunny) Zhang. An equivariant generalization of McDuff's theorem.
- Zhuo Zhang. A geometric view of bordism homology.
- John Xiaoshu Zhou. Galois representations from elliptic curves.
- Kevin Zhou. The connective constant of hexagonal lattice is $\sqrt{2+\sqrt 2}$
- Peter Zhou. Modular curve and modularity theorem.
- Jingxuan (Alina) Zhu. Lyapunov exponents and the multiplicative ergodic theorem.
Dead links are to papers under revision
- Jun An.
- Oliver Bock.
- Rohan Buluswar. Generating functions and subsets of $\mathbf{N} with constrained spacing.
- Wei Cai. Powerful bijections for planar maps and lattice walks.
- Dadu Chen. An introduction to Markov chain Monte Carlo method.
- Richard Chen. Imaginary quadratic Euclidean domains.
- Maryam Contractor. The Pesin entropy formula.
- Sacha de Poyen-Brown. Fermat's Christmas theorem.
- AJ DeRosa. Bell's theorem in categorical quantum mechanics.
- Lucio Figueiredo Filho. An introduction to the fundamental group.
- Riley Fisher.
- Jeremi Forman-Duranona. A Trojan horse for logic.
- Gebeyehu.
- Joseph Gorman. Ergodic Markov chains and end behavior.
- Arush Guliani. Theoretical models of computations.
- Emet Hirsch, A point to set principle from a computational cold start.
- Aaron Ho. The Stone-\u{C}ech compactification.
- Julian Hovanec. A brief discussion of the dimension drop conjecture.
- Jiaqi Hu.
- Ray Huang. Bezout and Group Laws on Cubics.
- Karlvin Jeanty.
- Inanna Khansa. Stochastic differential equations and financial applications.
(pdf) Hung Le Tran. Harmony in randomness: the LaPlacian and the heat equation.
- Michael Lee. Leray-Hopf weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations.
- Johnston Liu. Symmetric monoidal preorders and applications to finite spaces.
- Neel Maheshwari. Exposition of geometric measure theory and rectifiable sets.
- Zane Miller. Existence and uniqueness of stochastic optimal controls.
- Will Moller.
- Jonathan Norber. Construction of smooth manifolds and tangent spaces.
- Mark O'Shea. Lebesgue spaces and the Riesz-Fischer theorem.
- Juliet Oliver. Factorization.
- Pranav Padmanabhan.
- Minh Pham. Weyl integration formula.
- Jingwei (Ariana) Qin. Fractal intersections and products via traditional and algorithmic methods.
- Nathan Quiroa. Introduction to projective spaces and basic moduli space constructions.
- Andrew Razborov. Scaled oscillations and Lipschitz continuity in one dimension.
- Otto Reed. Recursive estimation in hidden Markov models.
- Tomi Rossini. An exploration of Hausdorff and box counting dimension.
- Ezra Santos. Persistent homologies of simple homeomorphic point clouds.
- Prakhar Saxena. Martingales in gambling and finance.
- Aidan Schmitt.
- Simon Seignourel. The Farey tessellation.
- Samuel Shen. Topologies of random geometric complexes.
- Everett Smith. Lie groups and Ratner's orbit closure theorem.
- Adam Strupp.
- Jacob Stump. Introduction to the Lebesgue integral.
- Junfei Sun. Persistent homology with application in connectivity-loss function for autoencoders.
- Justin Tarquino. An introduction to Fourier series and transforms.
- Kara Taylor.
- Aman Wadhwa.
- Zhiren (Su) Wang. Two models of hyperbolic geometry.
- Parth Wokhlu. Markov chains and musical composition.
- Sally Yang
- Ruizhe Ye.
- William Zhu. Democratizing the Black-Scholes-Merton model.
Tex Help
- Template for texing REU papers: \underline{YOU MUST USE THIS TEX FILE}
- An excellent latex web page (with an REU template with more examples)
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- LaTeX -- A document preparation system
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- LaTeX -- A document preparation system
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Guides to writing papers (Steve Kleiman and Dan Kleitman, MIT)
- Writing a math paper (two formats): READ THIS CAREFULLY
- Another useful guide: READ THIS TOO