The University of Chicago Mathematics REU 2022
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An essay about Chicago's REU and DRP programs (from 2014)
2022 REU: Announcement and description of the program
2022 REU: Application for University of Chicago students
Completed U of C applications should be returned to E314
(slip under the door if nobody is there)
2022 REU: Application for non-University of Chicago students
This is a suggested template for your Research Statement, to be uploaded
to your application.
To apply, go to MathPrograms:
Links to past REUs
- Link to the 2021 REU
- Link to the 2020 REU
- Link to the 2019 REU
- Link to the 2018 REU
- Link to the 2017 REU
- Link to the 2016 REU
- Link to the 2015 REU
- Link to the 2014 REU
- FIRST and SECOND WEEK SCHEDULES, June 13-17 and June 20-24
- FIRST WEEK Abstracts
- THIRD and FOURTH WEEK SCHEDULES, June 27-July1 and July 5-July9
- FIFTH and SIXTH WEEK SCHEDULES, July 11-July 15 and July 18-July 22
- SEVENTH and EIGHTH WEEK SCHEDULES, July 25-July 29 and August 1-August 5
- REU: Table of mentorship pairings
Notes and readings for talks
- Zhilin Luo's notes ``Sum of two squares"
- Links for algebraic topology topics are in the Abstracts
Dead links are to papers under revision
- Fatima Nasir Abbasi. On the cocompleteness of Cat.
- Abdalla Aboarab. Algorithmic unsolvability of manifold and CW-complex simple connectedness.
- Gabriel Aguilar. Ricci flow and the geometrization conjecture.
- Matthew Akuzawa. Monte Carlo simulations and applications in sports.
- Keita Allen. Computing the homology of the $\mathbb{C}$-motivic lambda algebra.
- Aiden Bailey. Rat-catching: a pursuit-evasion game on undirected graphs.
- Michael Barz. The monodromy of the hypergeometric equation.
- Patrick Borse. Floer homologies and the Arnold conjectures.
- Finn Braaten. Introduction to the thermodynamic formalism.
- Zhaojun (Emma) Chen. Construction and generalization of near-homogeneous tornaments.
- Ziyue Chen. Generating Functions and Their Applications.
- Benjamin Cooper. Critical orbits and the filled julia set.
- Hang Du. A glimpse into Schramm-Lowewner evolution.
- Xingzhu Fang. An introduction to geometric Satake equivalence.
- Marc de Fontnouvelle. An introduction to the theory of graph limits.
- Ben Goldman. Energy methods and the visibility conjecture.
- Bryce Goldman. Graded monoidal categories and internalization.
- Rebecca Golovanov. Elliptic curves and the Weil conjectures.
- William Griffin. Mathematical modeling of derivative pricing.
- Henry Herzog. Topological data analysis: an exposition in stability theory.
- Lucy Horowitz. Non-associativity of the smash product.
- Ruohan Hu. Proof of Riemann-Roch by way of Cech cohomology.
- Yuqiao Huang. $KO$-orientability and $w_2$ classes.
- Honghao Jing. Groups of exotic spheres.
- Yuqin Kewang. Connective periodic spectra revisited.
- Dain Kim. Level Set Approach to Mean Curvature Flow.
- Muqi (Bill) Lai. Quasirandomness, information, and Szemeredi's regularity lemma.
- Hanchen Li. Properties and applications of graph Laplacians.
- Wenqi Li. The generic vanishing theorem.
- Wenxuan (Wilson) Li. Equidistribution in number theory and Duke's theorem.
- Siwei Liang. Teichmuller theory and hyperbolization of three-Manifolds.
- Elias Manuelides. Optimal control: large deviations and viscosity solutions.
- Zachary Marks. Riemann surfaces, branched coverings, and field extensions.
- Andrew (Drew) Melman-Rogers. Hypercohomology and the algebraic de Rham's theorem.
- Ethan Naegele. Analyzing random walks with electrical networks: an introduction.
- Matthew Niemiro. The Adams Conjecture and the K-theory of finite fields (with Zhong Zhang).
- Arjun Nigam. An introduction to stacks.
- Jacob Parish. Uncountably-categorical theories.
- Helena Perez-Stark. The Furstenberg-Kesten theorem for products of random matrices.
- Mariya Pershyna. A brief overview of chaos.
- Yaxin (Casey) Qi. A brief introduction to flag algebra.
- Luke Schneider. Hausdorff dimension and Falconer's distance conjecture.
- Benjamin Scott. Optimal transport applied to geometric and functional inequalities.
- Nathaniel Selub. Uniformization of surfaces with Riemannian metrics by extremizing determinants of LaPlacians.
- Ray Shang. Relating complex orientation to Chern classes and formal group laws.
- Andrey Shapiro. Explainable clustering.
- Alex Sheng. Complex multiplication.
- Ben Slater. Determinantal point processes and the Eynard-Mehta theorem.
- Rohan Soni. Roth's theeorem: a special case of Szemeredi's theorem.
- Eha Srivastava. The Adams spectral sequence and the Hopf invariant one problem.
- Rachel Struck. Adjunctions and the monadicity theorem.
- David Suh. Mean field games
- Billion (Bilin) Sun. The genesis of the $p$-adic number fields.
- Nick Sweeney. Wigner's semicircle law (with Xinyi Zhang).
- Jen Tang. Tangent space properties of manifolds and rectifiable sets.
- Ryan Wandsnider. An intuitive introduction to spectral sequences.
- Yutong Wu. Rates of convergence and regularity in a homogenization process.
- Yannis Wu-Yip. $L$-functions over a number field.
- Shuhang Xue. Brown representability and its variants in context.
- Dino Zavattini. Tate Cohomology.
- Xinyi (Sara) Zhang. Wigner's semicircle law (with Nick Sweeney).
- Zhenghui (Sunny) Zhang. Characterization of nerves of posets.
- Zhong Zhang. The Adams Conjecture and the K-theory of finite fields (with Matthew Niemiro).
- Jingxuan (Alina) Zhu. An introduction fo the theory of oscillatory integrals.
Dead links are to papers under revision
- Raman Aliakseyeu. Bernstein's theorem and other basics of minimal surface theory.
- Jiahong Cai. Markov chains and applications in options markets
- Jessica Cao. Erd\"os distance problems.
- Guanyu (James) Chen. Introduction to basic properties of Markov chain and its application in simple random walk.
- Ethan Dintzner. Proving the Napoleon-Barlotti theorem with affine geometry.
- Josh Edington. Lebesgue integrals and the Basel problem.
- Austin Feng. Introduction t Lie algebras, Engel's theorem, and Lie's theorem.
- Ishaan Goel. Introduction to Martingales with an application in finance.
- Robert Hale. The Gauss-Bonnet theorem.
- David Hu. Markov chains in finite state spaces.
- Ruopu (Harley) Huang. An introduction to algebraic coding theory.
- Dhruv Kohli. An introduction to Galois theory and the Abel-Ruffini theorem.
- Charles Dow LaFevers. A combinatorial identity involving roots of unity.
- Rachel Lee. Shifts and their classification.
- Daniel Li. Stochastic calculus for arbitrage free pricing with stochastic volatility.
- Elena Li. The Fermat-Euler theorem and its application to public key cryptography.
- Angela Liu. Introduction to topological data analysis.
- Hangyu (Jerry) Liu. A brief introduction to knot theory and the Jones polynomial.
- Roy Long. An introduction to Martingales with applications to betting games.
- Zane Maggio. Cell structures on Grassmannians.
- Ian Magnell. Linear representations of finite groups.
- Joseph (Nico) Marin Gamboa. Morse theory for partially ordered sets in context.
- Shreya Mukherjee. Ergodic properties of the L\"uroth and Gauss maps.
- Jian Park. On the cardinalities and isomorphisms of finite fields.
- Mahnav Ethan Petersen. An introduction to Fourier series and their applications.
- Aditya Raman. Discrete time Martingales and applications to random walks.
- Jay Sagrolikar. Random motion and random trees.
- Tianqi (Charene) Shen. An introduction to non-synchronous trading.
- Alex Stern. Introduction to category theory and the Yoneda lemma.
- Samanthak Thiagarajan. Theory of Laplace transforms and their applications.
- Berkin Ucar. Introduction to Lie algebras and superalgebras with applications in physics.
- Haoshu Wang. Advantages and applications of quantum game theory.
- Yuzhou Wang. Markov chain and Markov decision process.
- Zongjin (Tracy) Wu. Brownian motion and random triangulations of the circle.
- Haolin (Tony) Zhong. Introduction to the chip-firing game.
- Haokai (Kevin) Zhou. Homogeneous Markov chains in discrete time.
- Jake Zummo. An introduction to geometric group theory.
Tex Help
- Template for texing REU papers: YOU MUST USE THIS TEX FILE
- An excellent latex web page (with an REU template with more examples)
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- LaTeX -- A document preparation system
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- LaTeX -- A document preparation system
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Guides to writing papers (Steve Kleiman and Dan Kleitman, MIT)
- Writing a math paper (two formats): READ THIS CAREFULLY
- Another useful guide: READ THIS TOO