Springer Lecture Notes (photocopies)
- From SLN 168: A general algebraic approach to Steenrod
- SLN 271: The Geometry of Iterated Loop Spaces
- SLN 271: The above, texed by Nicholas Hamblet
- SLN 533: The Homology of Iterated Loop Spaces (with Cohen and Lada)
- SLN 577: E Infinity Ring Spectra and E Infinity Ring Spaces (with
contributions by Quinn, Ray, and Tornehave)
- SLN 1176: H Infinity Ring Spectra and their Applications (with Bruner,
McClure, and Steinberger)
- SLN 1213: Equivariant stable homotopy theory (with Lewis, Steinberger,
and with contributions by McClure)
- A brief guide to some addenda and errata
American Mathematical Society Memoirs and Asterisque (at AMS)
- Memoirs 142: On the Theory and Applications of Torsion Products (with Gugenheim)
- Memoirs 155: Classifying Spaces and Fibrations
- Memoirs 543: Generalized Tate Cohomology (with Greenlees)
- Asterisque 233: Operads, Algebras, Modules, and Motives (with Kriz)
- Memoirs 755: Equivariant Orthogonal Spectra and S-Modules (with Mandell)
CBMS Regional Conference Series in Mathematics (AMS)
- CBMS 91: Equivariant Homotopy and Cohomology Theory (with contributions
by Cole, Comezana, Costenoble, Elmendorf, Greenlees, Lewis, Piacenza,
Triantafillou, and Waner)
Mathematics Surveys and Monographs (AMS)
- SURV 47: Rings, Modules, and Algebras in Stable Homotopy Theory (with
Elmendorf, Kriz, and Mandell and an Appendix by Cole)
- Errata to Rings, Modules, and Algebras in Stable Homotopy Theory
- SURV 132: Parametrized Homotopy Theory (with Sigurdsson)
The University of Chicago Press
Simplicial Objects in Algebraic Topology
A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology
More Concise Algebraic Topology: Localization, Completion, and Model Categories