70. Control of transfer for p=3, in preparation.
69. (with Justin Lynd) Rigid automorphisms of linking systems, Forum Math. Sigma 9 (2021), Paper no e23.
68. (with R. Guralnick, J. Lynd and G. Navarro), Centers of Sylow subgroups and automorphisms, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 240 (2020), 253-266.
67. (with G. R. Robinson) More on a question of M. Newman on isomorphic subgroups of solvable groups, J. Algebra, 532(2019), 1-7.
66. Symmetric Groups and Fixed Points on Modules: An Application of Group Theory to Topology, Contemporary Mathematics 688(2017), 87-91.
65. (with Justin Lynd) Control of fixed points and existence and uniqueness of centric linking systems, Invent. Math. 206 (2016), 441-484.
64. A partial analogue of Borel’s Fixed Point theorem for finite p-groups, J. Algebra 450 (2016), 398-457.
63. (with L. Grabowski) Groups with Identical k-Profiles, Theory of Computing 11(2015), 395-401.
62. (with Avinoam Mann and Yoav Segev) A note on groups generated by involutions and sharply 2-transitive groups, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 143(2015), 1925-1932.
61. Products of elements of even order, J. Algebra 398(2014), 314-317.
60. A pair of characteristic subgroups for pushing-up II, Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc. (2)56(2013), 71-133.
59. A note on finite p -groups with a maximal elementary subgroup of rank 2. Ischia group theory 2010, 159–163, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2012.
58. (with Ronald Solomon) A new characteristic subgroup of a p-stable group, J. Algebra 368(2012), 231-236.
57. (with N. Mazza) p-Groups with maximal elementary abelian subgroups of rank 2, J. of Algebra 323(2010), 1729-1737.
56. A p-group with no normal large abelian subgroup, Contemporary Mathematics 524(2010), 61-65.
55. Existence of normal subgroups in finite p-groups, J. of Alg., 319(2008), 800- 805.
54. A partial extension of Lazard’s correspondence for finite p-groups, Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, 1(2007), 421-468.
53. A note on abelian subgroups of p-groups, Groups St. Andrews 2005, Volume 2, 445-447, LMS Lecture Notes 340, Cambridge University Press (2007).
52. Centrally large subgroups of finite p-groups, J of Alg., 300(2006), 480-508.
51. Abelian subgroups of small index in finite p-groups, J. of Group Theory, 8(2005), 539-560.
50. An extension of Thompson’s Replacement Theorem by algebraic group methods, Finite Groups 2003, 105-110, de Gruyter, Berlin 2004.
49. Large subgroups of small class in finite p-groups, J. of Alg., 272(2004), 128- 153.
48. (with Simon Norton) On McKay’s connection between the affine E8 diagram and the Monster, Proceedings on moonshine and related topics (Montreal, QC, 1999), 37-42, CRM Proc. Lecture Notes, 30. AMS, Providence (2001).
47. Large abelian subgroups of groups of prime exponent, J. of Alg., 237(2001),735-768.
46. A new look at the Feit-Thompson Odd Order Theorem, Matemática
Contemporânea, 16(1999), 73-92.
45. Limits of abelian subgroups of finite
$p$-groups, preprint (with J. Alperin). (Preprint:
42. Local analysis for the odd order theorem. With
the assistance of Walter Carlip. London Mathematical Society Lecture
Note Series, 188. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
1994. xii+174 pp. ISBN: 0-521-45716-5 (with Helmut
Bender). (Review:
41. Coverings and coverings. J.
Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A 57 (1994), no. 1,
125--128 (with J. L. Alperin).
40. On a combinatorial problem associated
with the odd order theorem. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
119 (1993), no. 4, 1089--1094 (with Sim P. Norton).
39. On theta functions with complex
multiplication. J. Reine Angew. Math. 395
(1989), 68--101 (with J. D. Rogawski).
38. A pair of characteristic subgroups for
pushing-up in finite groups. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3)
46 (1983), no. 3, 411--453 (with Richard Niles).
37. Characters of finite groups with
dihedral Sylow $2$-subgroups. J. Algebra 70
(1981), no. 1, 200--215 (with Helmut Bender).
36. Factorizations for $2$-constrained
groups. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 41
(1980), no. 3, 385--438.
35. $p$-local subgroups. The Santa
Cruz Conference on Finite Groups (Univ. California, Santa Cruz,
Calif., 1979), pp. 131--136, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 37,
Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I., 1980.
34. Factorizations in local subgroups of
finite groups. Regional Conference Series in Mathematics, No. 33.
American Mathematical Society, Providence, R.I., 1977. ix+74
pp. ISBN: 0-8218-1683-7.
33. Local and global properties of finite
groups. Actes du Congrès International des
Mathématiciens (Nice, 1970), Tome 1, pp. 349--353.
Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1971.
32. On solvable signalizer functors in
finite groups. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 33
(1976), no. 1, 1--27.
31. On Burnside's other $p\sp{a}q\sp{b}$ theorem.
Pacific J. Math. 56 (1975), no. 2,
469--476. (Review:
30. Correction to: "A characteristic
subgroup of a group of odd order"\ (Pacific J. Math. {\bf 56} (1975),
no. 2, 305--319). Pacific J. Math. 61
(1975), no. 2, 607 (with Z. Arad). (Review:
29. Proceedings of the Conference on
Finite Groups. Held at the University of Utah, Park City, Utah,
February 10--13, 1975. Edited by William R. Scott and Fletcher Gross.
Academic Press, Inc. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers. , New
York-London, 1976. xiii+565 pp. 20-06 (Review:
28. Failure of factorization in
$p$-solvable groups. II. Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser. (2)
26 (1975), no. 103, 257--261. (Review:
27. A characteristic subgroup of a group
of odd order. Pacific J. Math. 56 (1975),
no. 2, 305--319 (with Z. Arad). (Review:
26. Isomorphic subgroups of finite
$p$-groups. I, II. Canad. J. Math. 23
(1971), 983--1022; ibid. 23 (1971), 1023--1039. (Review:
25. Global and local properties of finite
groups. Finite simple groups (Proc. Instructional Conf., Oxford,
1969), pp. 1--64. Academic Press, London, 1971.
24. Quadratic elements in unipotent linear
groups. J. Algebra 20 (1972), 637--654.
23. Direct factors of Sylow $2$-subgroups.
I, II. J. Algebra 28 (1974), 133--161;
ibid. 28 (1974), 162--173. (Review:
22. On groups with a quaternion Sylow
$2$-subgroup. Illinois J. Math. 18
(1974), 60--65. (Review:
21. Failure of factorization in
$p$-solvable groups. Quart. J. Math. Oxford Ser. (2)
24 (1973), 71--77. (Review:
20. A sufficient condition for
$p$-stability. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 25
(1972), 253--287. (Review:
19. Prime-power factor groups of finite
groups. II. Math. Z. 117 (1970), 46--56.
18. Fixed point subgroups that contain
centralizers of involutions. Math. Z. 124
(1972), 353--360. (Review:
17. Normalizers of $p$-subgroups in finite
groups. Pacific J. Math. 29 1969
137--144. (Review:
16. Weakly closed elements of Sylow
subgroups. II. Math. Z. 112 1969 89--100.
15. Weakly closed elements of Sylow
subgroups. Math. Z. 107 1968 1--20.
14. Prime-power factor groups of finite
groups. Math. Z. 107 1968 159--172.
13. On a class of doubly transitive
permutation groups. Illinois J. Math. 13
1969 394--399. (Review:
12. Weakly closed direct factors of Sylow
subgroups. Pacific J. Math. 26 1968
73--83 (with J. G. Thompson). (Review:
11. Correspondences of characters for
relatively prime operator groups. Canad. J. Math.
20 1968 1465--1488. (Review:
10. A characteristic subgroup of a
$p$-stable group. Canad. J. Math. 20 1968
1101--1135. (Review:
9. A characterization of the Suzuki
groups. Illinois J. Math. 12 1968 76--98.
8. Nilpotence of finite Moufang $2$-loops.
J. Algebra 8 1968 415--417 (with C. R. B.
Wright). (Review:
7. On loops of odd order. II. J.
Algebra 8 1968 393--414. (Review:
6. Subgroups of finite groups. Bull.
Amer. Math. Soc. 73 1967 1--12.
5. Central elements in core-free groups.
J. Algebra 4 1966 403--420. (Review:
4. Engel congruences in groups of
prime-power exponent. Canad. J. Math. 18
1966 579--588 (with Eugene F.; Krause and Ruth Rebekka Struik).
3. On the automorphism groups of a finite
group having no non-identity normal subgroups of odd order. Math.
Z. 93 1966 154--160. (Review:
2. On loops of odd order. J.
Algebra 1 1964 374--396. (Review:
1. Fixed points in groups with operator
groups. Math. Z. 84 1964 120--125.