Geometry/Topology Seminar

Thursdays at 3:00PM, in 308 Eckhart.

Fall 2001

October 4,
Jeanne Clelland, U.C. Boulder
Backlund transformations of hyperbolic Monge-Ampere equations.

October 5, (Special Friday meeting - 2:00PM - Eck 206)
Laura DeMarco, Harvard
Dynamics of rational maps: Lyapunov exponents, bifurcations, and metrics on the sphere.

October 11, (Special joint meeting with Algebraic Topology Seminar - Eck 203)
Igor Kriz, U. Michigan
Elliptic cohomology and moonshine.

October 18,
John Roe, Penn. State
Group actions and contorted cones.

October 25,
Andrzej Zuk, U. Chicago
On the Cheeger constant for the arithmetic surfaces.

November 1,
Benson Farb, U. Chicago
Automorphisms of the Torelli group.

November 8,
Nicolas Monod, U. Chicago
Rigidity of measure equivalence.

November 13, (Special Tuesday meeting - 3:00PM -Eck 308)
Yitwah Cheung, Northwestern
Fractal dimension of the set of divergent trajectories.

November 15,
Rich Schwartz, U. Maryland
Hyperbolic structures on the complements of selected fractals.

November 20 (Special Tuesday meeting - 3:00PM - Eck 202)
David Fisher, Yale
Geometric lattice actions, entropy and fundamental groups.

November 29,
Vadim Kaloshin, MIT
Diophantine properties of elements of SO(3).

December 6, new time: 2:30PM, Eck 308
Gregory Soifer, Bar-Ilan
Affine crystallographic groups leaving a quadratic form of a signature (n,2) invariant.

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