Speaker | Time | Room | Title |
Ian Agol, UC Berkeley | 10:30-11:30 am | 151 Sloan | LERF and virtual fibering |
Steve Ferry, Rutgers | 1:30-2:30 pm | 151 Sloan | Higson compactifications |
Kevin Whyte, UIC | 2:45-3:45 pm | 151 Sloan | Virtual Betti numbers of random complexes |
Chris Leininger, UIUC | 4-5 pm | 151 Sloan | Strong Tits alternative for pure braid groups |
Ian Agol. Title: LERF and virtual fibering
We show that a Haken hyperbolic 3-manifold with LERF fundamental
group is virtually fibered.
Steve Ferry. Title: Higson compactifications
We will show how volume growth in a manifold M can be used to
detect cohomology in its Higson compactification.
Kevin Whyte. Title: Virtual Betti numbers of random complexes
We will discuss bounds on the Betti numbers of finite covers of complexes
under local geometric assumptions, with applications to various models
of random complexes.
Chris Leininger. Title: Strong Tits alternative for
pure braid groups
A group satisfies the "Tits alternative" if every subgroup is
either virtually solvable or contains a nonabelian free group. This is
named after J. Tits who proved that all finitely generated linear groups
enjoy this property. The Tits alternative was established for braid
groups by Ivanov and McCarthy, but now also follows from linearity (due to
Bigelow-Krammer). I'll discuss joint work with D. Margalit, in which we
prove a strong version of the Tits alternative for the pure braid groups:
every two elements of the pure braid group either commute or generate a
free group. The proof uses 3-manifold topology and actions on trees.