Complex Variables 27000 Fall 2017

Instructor: Danny Calegari; Grader: Shuo Pang

TuTh 11:00-12:20 Eckhart 206

Description of course:

This course is an introduction to Complex Variables. It is intended for undergraduates.

Office hours:

Calegari's Office hours are 12:30-1:20 Mondays.


None yet.


None yet.


There will be a midterm and a final. There will also be weekly homework.

Grading is based 50% on homework, and 25% on each exam.

Homework is posted to this website each Thursday and due before the start of class the following Thursday. Late homework will not be accepted.

Homework is usually taken directly from Marsden-Hoffman. The notation x:y means exercise y from section x.


None yet.


The draft syllabus is as follows; note that this is based on a previous lecturer's syllabus, and is subject to revision, especially towards the later selection of topics.

  1. review of complex numbers and their basic properties
  2. complex functions; continuity, differentiability and the Cauchy-Riemann equations and the Laplace equation
  3. power series; term by term differentiation, radius of convergence, etc.
  4. line integrals and the Cauchy-Goursat theorem for a triangle
  5. primitives and path independence; Cauchy's Thm. in a convex region
  6. Cauchy integral formula, infinite differentiability of holomorphic functions; Cauchy estimates Liouville's Theorem and the Fundamental Thm. of Algebra, Morera's Thm.
  7. power series representation of holomorphic functions
  8. Laurent expansions of analytic functions in an annulus
  9. residues and the residue theore
  10. calculation of integrals using the residue theorem
  11. sequences of analytic functions and almost uniform convergence
  12. infinite products of analytic functions; Weierstrass theorem on entire functions with prescribed zeros
  13. Cauchy's theorem for simply connected regions
  14. maximum modulus principle
  15. the argument principle


The main reference is Basic Complex Analysis, Third Edition, by Jerrold Marsden and Michael Hoffman. Homework problems will largely be taken from this book, so it is important to have access to it. Lectures may diverge from the book both in style and topics.