\classheader{2013-01-23} \begin{theorem}[Whitney embedding theorem] Let $X$ and $Y$ be $\Cinfty$ manifolds, and assume that $X$ is compact. If $2\dim(X)+1\leq\dim(Y)$, then every $f_0:X\to Y$ can be approximated by an embedding. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} We will give a proof in the case when $Y$ is $\R^m$, and using tubular neighborhoods it will work even when $Y$ is compact. Let's write $Y=V$ where $V$ is a vector space of dimension $m$ (a notational aid for when we are using the vector space structure). Let $g_1,\ldots,g_r$ be $\Cinfty$ functions from $X$ to $\R$, and let $v_1,\ldots,v_m$ be a basis for $V$. Define a deformation $F:X\times S\to Y$ of $f_0$, where $S=\R^{rm}$, by \[F(p,t)=f_0(p)+\sum_{i,j}t_{ij}g_i(p)v_j,\] where $t=(t_{ij})\in S$. Define $G:(X\times X\setminus\Delta X)\times S\to V\times V$ by $G(p,q,t)=(F(p,t),F(q,t))$. We want $G$ to be transverse to $\Delta V\subset V\times V$. Let $H:V\times V\to V$ be defined by $H(v_1,v_2)=v_1-v_2$. Then $H'(v_1,v_2)$ is onto, 0 is a regular value of $H$, and $H^{-1}(0)=\Delta V$. We see that we want to demonstrate the surjectivity of $(H\circ G)'(p,q,t)$ at all points in \[\{(p,q,t)\mid p\neq q\text{ and }F(p,t)=F(q,t)\}.\] Now note that \[(H\circ G)(p,q,t)=f_0(p)-f_0(q)+\sum_{i,j}t_{ij}(g_i(p)-g_i(q))v_j.\] Let's look at the derivative evaluated at points of the form $(0,0,?)$, as it is easiest to compute in this case, and it will suffice for surjectivity anyway. Because the $v_j$ form a basis for $V$, a necessary and sufficient condition that \begin{center} \begin{tikzcd}[row sep=0in] TS \ar{r} & V\\ (0,0,?) \ar[mapsto]{r} & (H\circ G)'(p,q,t)(0,0,?) \end{tikzcd} \end{center} is surjective is that there is some $i$ such that $g_i(p)\neq g_i(q)$. For instance, you could consider an embedding \begin{center} \begin{tikzcd} X \ar[hook]{r} \ar{rd}[swap]{g_i} & \R^N \ar{d}{p_i}\\ & \R \end{tikzcd} \end{center} where $N=r$. Now, $G^{-1}(\Delta V)$ is a $\Cinfty$ submanifold of $(X\times X\setminus \Delta X)\times S$. Let $Q:G^{-1}(\Delta V)\to S$ be the projection. Consider the regular values of $Q$ (which are a subset of $S$). For any regular value $s$, we have \[Q^{-1}(s)=\{(p,q)\in X\times X\mid p\neq q\text{ and }f_s(p)=f_s(q)\}\] is a $\Cinfty$ submanifold of $X\times X\setminus\Delta X$ of dimension $2\dim(X)-\dim(Y)$. Thus, if $2\dim(X)