\classheader{2012-10-15} \subsection*{Integration on topological groups} Let $X$ be a locally compact topological space, i.e. any point has a compact neighborhood. Let $C(X)$ be the space of continuous functions $X\to\C$. Let $C_c(X)$ be the subspace of $C(X)$ consisting of functions with compact support. An integral on $X$ is a linear functional $\int:C_c(X)\to\C$ satisfying \begin{itemize} \item If $f(x)\geq 0$ for all $x$, then $\int f\geq 0$, and $\int f =0\iff f=0$. \item Continuity: for every compact $K \subseteq X$, there exists a constant $C_K \geq 0$ such that for all $f \in C_c(X)$ with $\supp(f) \subseteq K$, $|\int_K f| \leq C_K \cdot\max\limits_{x \in K} |f(x)|$. \end{itemize} If $X$ is actually compact, then clearly $C_c(X) = C(X)$ and $\vol(X) = \int 1$. Moreover, Fubini's theorem guarantees that \[ \int_Y\left(\int_X f(x,y)\,dx\right)dy=\int_X\left(\int_Y f(x,y)\,dy\right)dx.\] A topological group $G$ is a group that is a topological space such that multiplication $m: G \times G \to G$ and inversion $i: G \to G$ are continuous. \begin{examples} $(\R,+)$, $(\C^\times,\cdot)$, $(\S^1,\cdot)$, $(\GL_n(\R),\cdot)$, $(\U(\R^n),\cdot)$ \end{examples} When we say that a topological group $G$ acts on a topological space $X$, we require that the action map is continuous. Given a function $f:X\to\C$ and a $g\in G$, define $g^*f(x) = f(g^{-1} x)$. We say that an integral on $X$ is $G$-invariant if $\int_X g^*(f) = \int_X f$ for all $f \in C_c(X)$ and for all $g \in G$. Alternatively, when thinking about measures, we say that a measure $\mu$ is $G$-invariant if for all $S\subseteq X$ and $g\in G$, we have $\vol(gS)=\vol(S)$. \begin{theorem}[Haar] Any locally compact topological group $G$ has a left-invariant integral which is unique up to a constant factor. \end{theorem} \begin{examples} Some examples of integrals which can be obtained this way: \begin{enumerate} \item $(\R, +)$ with $dx$, \item $(\R^+, \cdot)$ with $d\mu = \frac{dx}{x}$, \item $(S^1, \theta)$ with $d\theta$. \end{enumerate} \end{examples} Using differential forms (on Lie groups say), this theorem is obvious. Note that a left-invariant integral is not necessarily right-invariant. \begin{proposition} If $G$ is a compact group, then $G$ is unimodular (i.e. a left-invariant integral on $G$ is automatically right-invariant). \end{proposition} \begin{proof} Let $\int_L$ be a left-invariant integral on a compact group $G$. Let $f \in C(G)$. Then define $\phi: G \to \C$ by $\phi(g) =\int_L f(xg) dx$. Notice that $\phi(g)$ is also a left-invariant integral. Therefore, there is a constant $c(g) \in \C$ such that \[ \int_L f(xg) dx = c(g) \int_L f(x).\] Then $c(g)$ has the following properties, \begin{enumerate} \item $g \to c(g)$ is continuous on $G$ (to see this, just plug in $f=1$). \item $c(g) > 0$ for all $g$. \item $g \to c(g)$ is a group homomorphism into the multiplicative group of $\R$. \end{enumerate} Thus, $c(g) = 1$ since the image of $c: G \to \R^+$ is a compact subgroup of $\R^+$, hence $1$. \end{proof} \subsection*{The group algebra} If $G$ is a finite group and $k$ is a field, then $kG$ is a $k$-vector space with basis $g \in G$ and with obvious multiplication. Alternatively, the group algebra $k\{ G \}$ is the set of functions $G \to k$ with convolution and addition, i.e. \[ (\phi * \psi )(x) = \sum_{g \in G} \phi(xg^{-1})\psi(g) \] \begin{proposition} For a finite group $G$, $k\{G\} = kG$. \end{proposition} \begin{proof} The elements $1_g$ form a basis of $k\{G\}$, and $1_g * 1_h = 1_{gh}$. \end{proof} Now let $G$ be a locally compact topological group with left-invariant integral $\int$, and let $k$ be a topological field. For $\phi, \psi \in C_c(G)$, define\footnote{A reader suggests that if $G$ is not unimodular, convolution should be defined using $\phi(y) \psi(y^{-1} x)$, not the other way around, making the action on a representation a left action.} \[ (\phi * \psi)(x) = \int_G \phi(xy^{-1})\psi(y) dy. \] \begin{comments} $\text{}$ \begin{enumerate} \item Any discrete group is locally compact (discrete topology), but then $C_c(G)$ only includes functions with finite support. \item If $G$ is not discrete, then $1_g$ is not a continuous function. \item If $G$ is discrete (e.g. if $G$ is finite), the unit of the group algebra is the function $1_e$. If $G$ is not discrete, then in fact there is no unit! \end{enumerate} \end{comments}