\classheader{2012-12-07} Let's finish up the computation of $\frac{d(\text{left side})}{dt}$ from last time, where \[\text{left side}=\rho(e^{t(a+b)+\frac{t^2}{2}[a,b]+o(t^2)})=\rho(e^{t\cdot f(t)})=e^{t\cdot d\rho(f(t))},\] letting $f(t)=a+b+\frac{t}{2}[a,b]+\frac{o(t^2)}{t}$. Note that $f(t)\to a+b$ as $t\to 0$. We have \[\frac{e^{t\,d\rho(f(t))}-1}{t} = \frac{e^{t\,d\rho(f(t))}-1}{t\cdot d\rho(f(t))}\cdot\frac{t d\rho(f(t))}{t}.\] Because $\rho$ is continuous, we also have that $d\rho$ is continuous, hence the first factor $\frac{e^{t\,d\rho(f(t))}-1}{t\cdot d\rho(f(t))}$ goes to 1 as $t\to 0$, and hence the limit of the entire expression as $t\to 0$ is $d\rho(a+b)$. Now we will consider the action of $\SL_2(\C)\rightcirclearrow \C^m[u,v]$, and the action of $\SU_2$ obtained by the inclusion $\SU_2\hookrightarrow\SL_2(\C)$. \begin{theorem} For each $m\geq 0$, restricting the $\SL_2(\C)$-action on $\C^m[u,v]$ to $\SU_2$ yields an irrep of $\SU_2$, and these are all irreps of $\SU_2$ up to isomorphism. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Because $\SU_2=\SL_2(\C)\cap \U_2$, we have \[\Lie(\SU_2)=\{A\in\M_2(\C)\mid A^*=-A,\tr(A)=0\}=\left\{\begin{pmatrix} ia & b+ic\\ -b+ic & -ia \end{pmatrix}\;\middle\vert\;a,b,c\in\R\right\}.\] We can decompose $\M_2(\C)$ as a direct sum of the hermitian and skew-hermitian matrices: \[\M_2(\C)=H(\M_2(\C))\oplus iH(\M_2(\C)),\] and therefore \[\underbrace{\{A\in \M_2(\C)\mid \tr(A)=0\}}_{\Lie(\SL_2(\C))} = \{A\in H(\M_2(\C))\mid \tr(A)=0\} \oplus \underbrace{i\{A\in H(\M_2(\C))\mid \tr(A)=0\}}_{\Lie(\SU_2)}.\] We can express this as \[\Lie(\SL_2(\C))=i\Lie(\SU_2)\oplus \Lie(\SU_2) =\C\otimes_\R \Lie(\SU_2),\] so that $\Lie(\SU_2)$ is like the ``real part'' of the vector space $\Lie(\SL_2(\C))$, and $\Lie(\SL_2(\C))$ is like the complexification of $\Lie(\SU_2)$. Let $\rho:\SU_2\to \GL(V)$ be a irrep. The differential map is $d\rho:\Lie(\SU_2)\to\End_\C(V)$. Because $\rho$ is a irrep, there is no proper subspace $W\subset V$ that is stable under $\im(d\rho)$. Because $\Lie(\SU_2)$ is a real vector space and $\End_\C(V)$ is a complex vector space, we can always extend an $\R$-linear map from $\Lie(\SU_2)$ to $\End_\C(V)$ to a $\C$-linear map from the complexification of $\Lie(\SU_2)$ to the same vector space $\End_\C(V)$, \[(\C\otimes_\R d\rho):\underbrace{\C\otimes_\R\Lie(\SU_2)}_{\Lie(\SL_2(\C))}\to \End_\C(V).\] Because $\Lie(\SL_2(\C))=\langle e,h,f\rangle$, we see that $V$ acquires the structure of a simple $\cal{U}$-module. \end{proof} Now let's discuss $\SO(\R^3)$. There is a natural action $\SO(\R^3)\rightcirclearrow\C^n[x,y,z]$. \begin{theorem} For each positive odd integer $2n+1$, $n=0,1,\ldots$, there is a unique irrep of $\SO(\R^3)$ of dimension $2n+1$ (up to isomorphism). Specifically, this irrep is $\mathrm{Harm}^m(\C^3,\SO(\R^3))$. These are all of the irreps of $\SO(\R^3)$. \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Recall from the first homework assignment that there is a double cover map $\pi:\SU_2\to\SO(\R^3)$, which you obtained by thinking of $\SU_2$ as $\U(\H)$. The kernel of $\pi$ is just $\{\pm 1\}$. Given an irrep $\phi:\SO(\R^3)\to\GL(V)$, the composition $\phi\circ\pi$ is an irrep of $\SU_2$ since $\phi$ is surjective, and the map $\phi\mapsto \phi\circ \pi$ clearly gives a bijection \[\widehat{\SO(\R^3)}\overset{\pi^*}{\cong}\{\rho\in\widehat{\SU_2}\mid \rho(-1)=1\}\] between irreps $\phi$ of $\SO(\R^3)$ and irreps $\rho$ of $\SU_2$ that annihilate $\ker(\pi)$. Any irrep of $\SU_2$ is some $\C^m[u,v]$. Note that $-\id$ maps $u^av^b$ to $(-1)^{a+b} u^av^b$, so a representation descends to $\SO(\R^3)$ if and only if $m=a+b$ is even, i.e. $m=2n$ for some $m$. Note that $\dim(\C^m[u,v])=\dim(\C^{2n}[u,v])=2n+1$. Now we need to identify this representation with the representation $\mathrm{Harm}^m(\C^3,\SO(\R^3))$. Recall that by a homework problem, \[\C^n[x,y,z]\cong \eucal{H}^n\oplus r^2\eucal{H}^{n-2}\oplus\cdots\] where $r^2=x^2+y^2+z^2$, and also that $\dim(\eucal{H}^k)=2k+1$. Note that $\eucal{H}^k$ is an $\SO(\R^3)$-stable subspace of $\C^k[x,y,z]$. There are two possibilities: \begin{enumerate} \item $\eucal{H}^n$ is an irrep of dimension $2n+1$ (which is what we want), or \item it isn't. \end{enumerate} If it isn't, then each irreducible direct summand of $\eucal{H}^n$ has dimension $<2n+1$, and observing the decomposition of $\C^n[x,y,z]$ we wrote above, we see that statement 2 is equivalent to \begin{itemize} \item[$2'$.] Each irreducible direct summand of $\C^n[x,y,z]$ has dimension $<2n+1$. \end{itemize} Now, it will suffice to show that $2'$ is impossible. Indeed, we claim that the $(2n+1)$-dimensional irrep of $\SO(\R^3)$ does occur in $\C^n[x,y,z]$. Consider the map $\R\to\SU_2$ defined by $t\mapsto \big(\begin{smallmatrix} e^{it} & 0 \\ 0 & e^{-it}. \end{smallmatrix}\big)$. Let's check what it does to monomials: \[\begin{pmatrix} e^{it} & 0 \\ 0 & e^{-it} \end{pmatrix}:u^av^b\mapsto e^{iat}e^{-ibt}u^av^b=e^{i(a-b)t}u^av^b.\] Thus, the eigenvalues of this matrix on $\C^{2n}[u,v]$ are $\{e^{ikt}\mid -2n\leq k\leq 2n\}$, and in particular, the maximum possible $k$ is $2n$. Therefore, if we can show that $\pi\big(\begin{smallmatrix} e^{it} & 0 \\ 0 & e^{-it}. \end{smallmatrix}\big)$ does have $e^{2nit}$ as an eigenvalue when acting on $\C^n[x,y,z]$, we will be done, because no lower dimensional irrep could have produced it. On the homework, you classified continuous homomorphisms $\R\to\SO_n$. Then we know that the composition $\rho:\R\to\SU_2\xrightarrow{\;\pi\;}\SO(\R^3)$ must map $t$ to $e^{At}$ for some $A$, and moreover, we now know that we must have $A\in\Lie(\SO(\R^3))$, or in other words, $A\in\M_3(\R)$ satisfies $A^t=-A$. Therefore, there exists an orthogonal basis $x,y,z$ in which \[A=\begin{pmatrix} 0 & a & 0\\ -a & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \end{pmatrix}.\] Note that \begin{align*} \{t\in\R\mid \rho(t)=1\} & = \left\{t\in\R\middle\vert \begin{pmatrix} e^{it} & 0 \\ 0 & e^{it} \end{pmatrix}=\pm 1\right\}\\ &=\{t\in\pi\Z\} \end{align*} But on the other hand, \begin{align*} \{t\in\R\mid \rho(t)=1\} & = \{t\mid e^{At}=1\}\\ &=\{t\mid e^{\pm iat}=1\}\\ &=\{at\in 2\pi\Z\} \end{align*} Therefore, $a=2$, and the matrix $e^{At}$ has eigenvalues $e^{2it}$, $e^{-2it}$, and 1. Acting on $\C^n[x,y,z]$, we can see that it has as $e^{2nit}$ as an eigenvalue, because (for example) $x^n$ is mapped to $(e^{2it}x)^n=e^{2nit}x^n$. Thus, we are done. \end{proof}