\classheader{2012-12-03} Today, we'll start discussing Lie theory. First, I want to raise some philosophical questions: in what sense can $\C^\times$ be thought of as a complexification of $\S^1$? How can we complexify the symmetric group $S_n$? We have the map $\exp:\C\to\C^\times$, defined by $a\mapsto e^a$, and the line $i\R$ maps onto $\S^1$. We can think of $\C$ as a complexification of the line $i\R$, and so the exponential map tells us that $\C^\times$ should be thought of as a complexification of $\S^1$. More generally, if we have a $\ast$-algebra and the exponential map $\exp:A\to A^\times$, then the skew-hermitian operators $iH(A)$ are mapped to the unitary operators $U(A)$, and because $A=iH(A)\oplus H(A)$ is a complexification of $iH(A)$, we ought to think of $A^\times$ as a complexification of $U(A)$. For example, if $A=\M_n(\C)$ with $\ast$ being the hermitian adjoint, then $A^\times=\GL_n(\C)$, $U(A)=U_n$, and $\GL_n(\C)$ is to be thought of as a complexification of $U_n$. \begin{definition} A finite-dimensional representation $\rho:\GL_n(\C)\to \GL_N(\C)$ is called holomorphic if $g\mapsto \rho_{ij}(g)$ is a holomorphic function on $\GL_n(\C)\subset\M_n(\C)$ for all $1\leq i,j\leq N$. \end{definition} \begin{proposition} Let $\rho:\GL_n(\C)\to\GL(V)$ be a holomorphic representation, and suppose we have a subspace $W\subset V$ that is $U_n$-stable. Then in fact $W$ is $\GL_n(\C)$-stable. \end{proposition} \begin{corollary}[The ``unitary trick''] Any finite-dimensional holomorphic representation of $\GL_n(\C)$ is completely reducible. \end{corollary} \begin{proof}[Proof of corollary] Let $V$ be a holomorphic representation of $\GL_n(\C)$. Because $U_n$ is compact, we know that any unitary representation is completely reducible, so considering $V$ now as a $U_n$-representation, we have a decomposition $V=V_1\oplus\cdots\oplus V_k$ into $U_n$-irreps, and the proposition implies these are also $\GL_n(\C)$-irreps (enlarging the group can't make reducible something irreducible). \end{proof} \begin{lemma} Let $f:\C^r\to\C$ be a holomorphic function such that $f|_{\R^n}= 0$. Then $f=0$. \end{lemma} \begin{proof}[Proof of lemma] This is easy - use the Cauchy-Riemann equations and induction on $r$. \end{proof} \begin{proof}[Proof of proposition] Suppose that $W\subset V$ is a $U_n$-stable subspace that is not $\GL_n(\C)$-stable. Thus, we can find $g\in\GL_n(\C)$ and $v\in W$ such that $gv\notin W$. Choose $\phi\in V^\ast$ such that $\phi|_{W}=0$ and $\phi(gv)\neq 0$. Let $f:\M_n(\C)\to\C$ be the map defined by $a\mapsto \phi(\rho(\exp(ia))v)$. For any $a\in H(\M_n(\C))$, we have $\exp(ia)\in U_n$, hence $\rho(\exp(ia))v\in W$, and therefore $f(a)=0$. By the lemma, we must have that $f=0$, but this is a contradiction; for example, there is an $x\in \M_n(\C)$ such that $g=e^{ix}$, and then we must have $f(x)\neq 0$. \end{proof} This was a demonstration of a Lie theory argument. Now let's move to a more general setting. \begin{definition} Let $G\subset\GL_n(\R)$ be a closed subgroup, and denote the unit element by $e$. The Lie algebra of $G$ is defined to be $\Lie(G)=\{a\in\M_n(\R)\mid e^{ta}\in G\text{ for all }t\in\R\}$. \end{definition} \begin{lemma} $\text{}$ \begin{enumerate} \item $\Lie(G)$ is a vector subspace of $\M_n(\R)$. \item $G$ is a submanifold in $\M_n(\R)$ with tangent space $\Lie(G)$. \end{enumerate} \end{lemma} \begin{center} \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[thick] (-2,0) to [bend left=20] node[midway,fill,circle,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,minimum size=4pt,label=above:$e$] {} (2,0) node[label=right:$G$] {}; \draw (-1.3,0) --++ (2,0) --++ (0.7,0.9) node[label={[shift={(0,-0.2)}]$\Lie(G)$}] {} --++ (-2,0) --++ (-0.7,-0.9); \node at (-0.8,1.6) {$\M_n(\R)$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{center} \begin{proof}[Proof of 1] For any $a\in\Lie(G)$, we know that $za\in\Lie(G)$ for any $z\in\R$ (this is clear from the definition). For any $a,b\in\Lie(G)$, we can consider the map $f:\R\to G$ defined by $t\mapsto e^{ta}e^{tb}$ (we have $e^{ta}e^{tb}\in G$ because $a,b\in \Lie(G)$, so their product is as well). Clearly, \[\frac{df}{dt}\bigg|_{t=0}=a+b.\] We claim that $\frac{df}{dt}|_{t=0}\in\Lie(G)$. We can deduce this from the fact that \[\lim_{n\to\infty}(e^{\frac{1}{n}a}e^{\frac{1}{n}b})^n=e^{a+b}.\] Indeed, it is more generally true that for any $a,b\in\M_n(\R)$ with $|a|,|b|\ll 1$, we have \[\log(e^ae^b)=a+b+\frac{1}{2}(ab-ba)+o(|a|^2+|b|^2).\] {\small [This is similar to the calculation of $\frac{\partial^2}{\partial t\partial s} (e^{ta}e^{sb}e^{-ta}e^{-sb})$ on a previous homework.]} We then conclude that \[e^{ta+tb+\frac{t^2}{2}(ab-ba)+o(t^2(|a|^2+|b|^2))}=e^{ta}e^{tb}\in G.\] {\small This doesn't seem to be enough to prove?} \end{proof} Since this is not really a course on Lie theory, proof of 2 is omitted. \begin{examples} $\text{}$ \begin{itemize} \item $\Lie(\GL_n(\R))=\M_n(\R)$ \item $\Lie(\S^1)=i\R$ \item $\Lie(U_n)=iH(\M_n(\C))$ \item $\Lie(\SL_n(\C))=\{a\in\M_n(\C)\mid \tr(a)=0\}$ (you showed on a homework that $e^{t\tr(a)}=\det(e^{ta})$) \item Let $G=\mathrm{O}_n(\R)=\{g\in\M_n(\R)\mid (g^T)^{-1}=g\}$. Then \begin{align*} \Lie(\mathrm{O}_n) & = \{a\mid ((e^{ta})^T)^{-1}=e^{ta}\text{ for all }t\}\\ &=\{a\mid e^{-ta^T}=e^{ta}\text{ for all }t\}\\ &=\{a\mid -a^T=a\}\\ &=\{\text{skew-symmetric matrices}\}. \end{align*} \end{itemize} \end{examples} \begin{remark} Let $N$ be the orthogonal complement of $\Lie(G)$ in $\M_n(\R)$. \[\exp:\underbrace{\M_n(\R)}_{\mathclap{\Lie(G)\,\oplus\, N}}\longrightarrow\GL_n(\R).\] Then $\exp$ restricts to a homeomorphism of a neighborhood of the origin in $\Lie(G)$ to a neighborhood of the identity in $G$. \end{remark} Let $\rho:G\to \GL(V)$ be a continuous representation, where $G\subset \GL_n(\C)$ is a closed subgroup. For any $a\in\Lie(G)$, we can form the composition \begin{center} \begin{tikzcd}[row sep=0.1cm] \R\ar{r}{\exp} & G\ar{r}{\rho} & \GL(V)\\ t\ar[mapsto]{r} & e^{ta}\ar[mapsto]{r} & \rho(e^{ta}) \end{tikzcd} \end{center} which is a continuous map from $\R$ to $\GL(V)$, and by a previous homework assignment, we know that this implies there is a unique $d\rho(a)\in\End(V)$ such that $\rho(e^{ta})=e^{t\cdot d\rho(a)}$. We get a map $d\rho:\Lie(G)\to \End(V)$. \begin{proposition} $\text{}$ \begin{enumerate} \item Any continuous representation $G\to \GL(V)$ is a $C^\infty$ map. \item $d\rho(ab-ba)=d\rho(a)d\rho(b)-d\rho(b)d\rho(a)$ for all $a,b\in \Lie(G)$. \item If $G$ is connected and there is no subspace $W\subset V$, $W\neq 0,V$ such that $d\rho(a)(W)\subseteq W$ for all $a\in\Lie(G)$, then $\rho$ is an irrep of $G$. \end{enumerate} \end{proposition}