\classheader{2012-10-17} \begin{theorem}[Fundamental Theorem of Homological Algebra] Let $\cal{A}$, $\cal{B}$, and $\cal{C}$ be chain complexes, and suppose that \[0\to\cal{A}\to\cal{B}\to\cal{C}\to0\] is a SES of chain complexes. Then there exists a connecting homomorphism $\delta:H_n(\cal{C})\to H_{n-1}(\cal{A})$ and a long exact sequence of abelian groups \[\xymatrix{\cdots\ar[r] & H_n(\cal{A})\ar[r]^{\phi_*} & H_n(\cal{B})\ar[r]^{\psi_*} & H_n(\cal{C})\ar[r]^{\delta} & H_{n-1}(\cal{A}) \ar[r]^{\phi_*} & H_{n-1}(\cal{B})\ar[r] & \cdots}\] \end{theorem} \begin{proof} Our SES of chain complexes gives us the following diagram: \[\xymatrix@M=0.13in{ 0 \ar[r] & A_{n+1}\ar[r]^{\phi_{n+1}} \ar[d]^{\partial_{n+1}}& B_{n+1}\ar[r]^{\psi_{n+1}}\ar[d]^{\partial_{n+1}'} & C_{n+1}\ar[r] \ar[d]^{\partial_{n+1}''} & 0\\ 0 \ar[r] & A_{n}\ar[r]^{\phi_{n}} \ar[d]^{\partial_{n}}& B_{n}\ar[r]^{\psi_{n}}\ar[d]^{\partial_{n}'} & C_{n}\ar[r] \ar[d]^{\partial_{n}''} & 0\\ 0 \ar[r] & A_{n-1}\ar[r]^{\phi_{n-1}}& B_{n-1}\ar[r]^{\psi_{n-1}}& C_{n-1}\ar[r] & 0}\] We want to define $\delta: H_n(\cal{C})\to H_{n-1}(\cal{A})$, mapping a homology class $[c]$ to a homology class $[a]$. Note that $H_n(\cal{C})=Z_n(\cal{C})/B_n(\cal{C})$ and $H_{n-1}(\cal{A})=Z_{n-1}(\cal{A})/B_{n-1}(\cal{A})$. There are three key rules to use in any ``diagram chase'': \begin{enumerate} \item $\partial^2=0$ \item exactness \item chain maps \end{enumerate} Given an $n$-cycle $c\in C_n$, so that $\partial c=0$, the fact that $\psi$ is onto implies that there is a $b\in B_n$ such that $\psi(b)=c$. Note that \[0=\partial c=\partial\psi(b)=\psi(\partial b)\implies \partial b\in \ker(\psi)=\im(\phi).\] Thus, there is an $a\in A_{n-1}$ such that $\phi(a)=\partial b$. Check that $a\in Z_{n-1}(\cal{A})$: \[\phi(\partial a)=\partial\phi(a)=\partial\partial b=0.\] But $\phi$ is injective, so $\partial a=0$. Thus, given $[c]\in H_n(\cal{C})$, we can choose a representative $c$ in $Z_n(\cal{C})$ and produce an $a\in Z_{n-1}(\cal{A})$. Now we need to check that regardless of the representative we choose, the cycle $a$ represents the same class in homology. In other words, we want to check that the proposed map $\delta:H_n(\cal{C})\to H_{n-1}(\cal{A})$ is well-defined. Thus, suppose instead of $c$ we'd chosen $c+\partial\theta$ as a representative of $[c]$, where $\theta\in C_{n+1}$. We want to show that $\delta$ will map it to the same $[a]$. Because $\psi$ is surjective, there is some $b'$ such that $\psi(b+b')=c+\partial\theta$. Thus, in particular $\psi(b')=\partial\theta$, and hence \[\psi(\partial b')=\partial \psi(b')=\partial\partial\theta=0.\] This implies that $\partial b'\in \ker(\psi)=\im(\phi)$, hence $\partial b'=\phi(a')$ for some $a'$. Our goal is to show that there is an $a''$ such that $a'=\partial a''$. Note that $\partial(b+b')=\partial b+\partial b'=\partial b+\partial\partial\theta=\partial b$, hence $\partial(b')=0$. To finish, note that \[\phi((a+a')-a)=\phi(a+a')-\phi(a)=\phi(a')=\partial b'=0.\] Now we need to prove the exactness of the long exact sequence (LES). Let's just prove exactness at $H_n(\cal{B})$ for example. Given $[b]\in H_n(\cal{B})$ such that $\psi_*([b])=0$, we want to show that there is some $[a]\in H_n(\cal{A})$ such that $\phi_*([a])=[b]$. We know that $\partial b=0$, and because $\psi_*([b])=0\in H_n(\cal{C})$, we have that $\psi(b)=\partial c$ for some $c\in C_{n+1}$. Thus $\psi(\partial b)=\partial\psi(b)=\partial\partial c=0$, so that $\partial b\in\ker(\psi)=\im(\phi)$, and hence there is some $a'$ such that $\phi(a')=\partial b$. Finish as an exercise. \end{proof} Now let's apply this theorem to a pair of spaces $(X,A)$. The SES of chain complexes \[0\to C_n(A)\to C_n(X)\to C_n(X,A)\to 0\] produces a LES \[\cdots\to H_{n+1}(X,A)\to H_n(A)\to H_n(X)\to H_n(X,A)\to H_{n-1}(A)\to\cdots\] We'll prove later using this tool that if $(X,A)$ is reasonable, then $H_n(X,A)\cong H_n(X/A)$. \begin{example} Let $(X,A)=(\D^n,\partial\D^n)$ for $n\geq 1$. Note that $\partial \D^n=\S^{n-1}$. Let $k>1$. The LES says that \[H_{k+1}(\D^n,\S^{n-1})\to H_k(\S^{n-1})\to H_k(\D^n)\to H_k(\D^n,\S^{n-1})\to H_{k-1}(\S^{n-1})\to H_{k-1}(\D^n)\] Any homology of the disk for $k>1$ is 0, because it is contractible. We can even show that directly in singular homology, because homology is a homotopy functor and the disk is homotopy equivalent to a point, whose singular homology we can compute. Thus, we get for any $k>1$ \[0\to H_k(\S^n)\to H_{k-1}(\S^{n-1})\to 0\] and this just says that $H_k(\S^n)\cong H_{k-1}(\S^{n-1})$. Let's look at what happens at the end. \[\xymatrix@R=0.1in{H_1(\D^n,\S^{n-1})\ar[r]& H_0(\S^{n-1})\ar[r]& H_0(\D^n)\ar[r]& H_0(\D^n,\S^{n-1})\ar[r] & 0\\ \genfrac{}{}{0pt}{}{0\text{ if } n>1}{\Z\text{ if }n=1} & \genfrac{}{}{0pt}{}{\Z\text{ if } n>1}{\Z^2\text{ if }n=1} & \Z & 0}\] Our inductive claim is that for all $n\geq 1$ and $k>1$, \[H_k(\S^n)=\begin{cases} 0&\text{ if }k\neq 0,n\\ \Z&\text{ if }k=0,n. \end{cases}\] Here is a table: \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.5} \[\begin{array}{c|ccc} & H_0 & H_1 & H_2 \\\hline \S^0 & \Z^2 & 0 & 0\\ \S^1 & \Z & \Z & 0 \\ \S^2 & \Z & 0 & \Z\end{array}\] \end{example} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1}