Department of Mathematics

Thursdays, E 203, 4:30

April 2

No meeting this week

April 9

No meeting this week

April 16

S. Doty
"Generalizing Schur-Weyl duality and
polynomial representation theory"

April 23 TWO LECTURES: 3:00 in E206 and 4:30 in E203

J. Wilson
"Hurwitz groups of large rank"

D. Nakano
"Extensions of modules over Schur algebras,
symmetric groups and Hecke algebras"

April 30

R. Guralnick
"Low dimensional representations"
of finite simple groups"

May 7

M. Broué
"Complex reflection groups as Weyl groups"

May 14

No meeting this week

May 21 TWO LECTURES: 3:00 in E206 and 4:30 in E203

R. Rouquier
"Endo-trivial modules and stable equivalences"

M. Collins
"Finite linear groups"

May 28

No meeting today

May29 FRIDAY at 2:30 in E 203

M. Geck
"The Lascoux-Leclerc-Thibon conjecture on
modular representations of Hecke algebras"