Algebraic Topology
Tools of Analysis
Groups and Galois theory
Linear Algebra
Vector Bundles
Fourier Series
Riemannian metrics
Lie groups
Forms and homology
Andrew Blumberg, Moon Duchin
Brisk review of point-set topology, including second-countability
and paracompactness. Many examples, including projective spaces
and the compact-open topology. One-point
Covering spaces, fundamental group, and homotopy.
handout: Topology--pdf/dvi
Justin Holmer, Sharon McCathern
Basic definitions: measure and measurable functions. Lebesgue measure,
the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem, Hilbert spaces, Banach spaces.
handout: Analysis Defs and Exercises--pdf/dvi
Brian Johnson, Haris Skiadas
Focus on Galois theory: Integral domains, fields and extensions,
algebraic and
transcendental elements. Separability, splitting fields, algebraic
closure. Examples: C and Q, quadratic extensions of Q. Normal
extensions, Galois extensions, the Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory.
handout: Basic algebra review--ps/dvi
Galois theory
Dan Grossman
Vector spaces, endomorphisms, normal forms (Jordan, rational canonical),
bilinear forms and adjoints, dual vector spaces. Piles of examples.
Tensor products, exterior powers, symmetric powers.
handout: Linear algebra--pdf/dvi
Mark Behrens, Ben Lee
Definition: Whitney Embedding to motivate the definition (eg, need
second-countability to rule out Long Line, which does not embed).
Partitions of unity.
Atlases: smooth and other structures. The tangent space defined
via embeddings, through velocity of curves, and through derivations.
Moon Duchin, Steve Wang
Definition, triviality vs. local triviality, classifying line
bundles over the circle as a first example. Sections; vector
fields as an example (section of the tangent bundle).
Associated bundles:
product, quotient, subbundle, etc. The tangent bundle and
parallelizability of manifolds. Notion of a principal bundle.
handout: Exercises--pdf/dvi
Mark Behrens, Justin Holmer
Motivation, definitions, tools: Riemann-Lebesgue Lemma and
Dirichlet kernel. Criteria for pointwise and absolute convergence.
Example: a continuous function whose Fourier series diverges at a point.
L^2 theory, Plancherel.
handout: basic Fourier analysis--pdf/dvi
Pallavi Dani, Dan Margalit
General definition; hyperbolic plane H^2 as the main example.
handout: Isom(H^2)--pdf/dvi
David Ben-Zvi, Karin Melnick
Lie groups as groups of symmetries arising in
geometry; homogeneous spaces focusing on
SL_2 / H^2 and SO_3 / S^2.
Definition, left-invariant vector fields and Lie algebras.
Computation and examples.
Exponential map, done explicitly for linear groups.
Lie group-Lie algebra correspondence.
handout: Lie groups--pdf
Mark Behrens, David Ben-Zvi
Differential forms on subsets of R^n with a strictly calculus
perspective. Homology defined for a space with a specific finite
triangulation, in terms of chains and boundaries.
Everything calculated explicitly on the annulus. Existence of
a closed but not exact form related to existence of a chain
which is a cycle but not a boundary.
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