Papers by Amie Wilkinson
Click after the title to see the paper (requires a dvi, ps
or pdf viewer). All papers listed are also available in hard copy
on request.
NOTE: Figures appear only in the ps and pdf files.
- Dynamics, Geometry and Rigidity (book)
pdf draft form .
To be published by Princeton University Press.
I will frequently update this file. It is still incomplete and there are errors, so beware. Comments/corrections welcome!
- Minimality of strong foliations of Anosov diffeomorphisms (version 1)
(with A. Avila and
S. Crovisier).
There will be two versions of this paper. In this version, we establish a criterion for robust minimality for strong unstable foliations, which will be used in other work.
- Absolute continuity, Lyapunov exponents and rigidity II : systems with compact center leaves
(with A. Avila and
M. Viana).
Erg. Th. Dyn. Syst. (Katok memorial issue),
42 (2022), 437--490.
- Mechanisms for chaos
August, 2019 preprint (28 pages).
(Notes for a lecture at VIASM )
- Projective cocycles over SL(2, R) actions: measures invariant under the upper triangular group.
(with Ch. Bonatti and
Alex Eskin ).
Asterisque (2020), no. 415, 157--180.
- Calculating the ★ connection.
(with K. Burns,
C. Matheus and
H. Masur ).
May, 2016 preprint (14 pages).
This paper is a supplement to our paper "Rates of mixing for the Weil-Petersson geodesic flow: Exponential mixing in exceptional moduli spaces": it contains the calculations
justifying the statements of Lemma 4.8 and Proposition 4.10.
- What are Lyapunov exponents, and why are they interesting?
Bulletin of the AMS 54 (2017), 79--105.
This article is based on notes for a lecture I gave for the Current Events Bulletin
at the Joint Meetings in Seattle, January 2016.
- Lectures on marked length spectrum rigidity
Geometric group theory, IAS/Park City Math. Ser., 21 , (2014) 283--324.
- Conservative partially hyperbolic dynamics
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Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians. Volume III, 1816--1836 (2010).
- The cohomological equation for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms
Asterisque , 358 (2013) 75--165.
- Transitive partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms on 3-manifolds (Revised October, 2004).
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C. Bonatti)
Topology 44 (2005), no. 3, 475--508.
- Stable ergodicity of the time-one map of a geodesic flow.dvi
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Thesis, University of California, Berkeley, May 1995.
Erg. Th. Dyn. Syst. 18 No. 6 (1998) 1545-1588
- When an infinitely-renormalizable endomorphism of the interval can
be smoothed. dvi
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(with C. Tresser ). Fractals 3, No.4 (1995), pp.701-711.
- Circuits in Cayley digraphs of finite abelian groups.
J. Graph Theory 14, No.1 (1990), pp.111-116.
Permanent preprints
- A note on stable holonomy between centers. (preliminary version.)
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(with K. Burns)
June, 2005 preprint. (11 pages).
Note: This paper contains errors that have been rectified in a paper by Aaron Brown, which also contains more general results.
- Better center bunching
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(with K. Burns)
February, 2005 preprint. (35 pages).
- A stably Bernoullian diffeomorphism that is not Anosov
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(with M. Shub). 1998 IHES Preprint.