The blue curve you see above represents the graph of a function u(x,t) for a fixed value of t.
The coordinate x varies in the horizontal direction. The left side of the white frame corresponds to x=0, and the right side to x=1. The top of the white frame corresponds to the level u=1, and the bottom to u=-1. The level u=0 is right in the middle.
When you click "Start", the graph will start evolving following the finite difference scheme specified above. The scheme that is entered by default corresponds to the heat equation.
Luis Silvestre.
Check also the other online solvers
The finite difference scheme specifies the iterative procedure which will be used to evolve the values of the function.
We represent the function by its values on a mesh of points. Here u[i] represents the value of the function u for x=i.h at the present time. At each iteration, we add k to the current time and replace the values of u[i] by the value given by the formula you write in the Iteration scheme box. For example, the default formula u[i] + k*(u[i-1]+u[i+1]-2*u[i])/(h*h) corresponds to the finite difference scheme that approximates the solution of the heat equation ut = uxx.
The interation scheme must be a formula depending on u[i-1], u[i], u[i+1], x, t, k and h , where h is the mesh size and k is the time step. Remember that x ranges from 0 to 1.
The mathematical expressions use the usual arithmetic symbols: + (addition), - (subtraction), * (product) and / (division). Moreover it can understand several common functions like: sin, cos, tan, log, exp, pow (stands for power), abs, sqrt, etc...
In order to produce schemes that approximate other equations, remember the following approximations.
ux ≈ (u[i+1]- u[i])/hYou can try some premade examples by selecting from the list below.
These examples will also set convenient initial values and mesh settings. You will see that the schemes are not always the obvious ones. Instead they are tuned up for stability.
Your computer is too slow to perform this computation in real time. Try changing the mesh settings.